
CHEOPS - CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite - is the first mission dedicated to searching for exoplanetary transits by performing ultra-high precision photometry on bright stars already known to host planets. The mission's main science goals are to measure the bulk density of super-Earths and Neptunes orbiting bright stars and provide suitable targets for future in-depth characterisation studies of exoplanets in these mass and size ranges.



Cheops AO-3 Programmes
7 June 2022

The CHEOPS Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met on 11 - 13 May 2022 to review proposals submitted to the third and final annual Announcement of Opportunity (AO-3) for observing time in ESA's CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme during the nominal mission.

CHEOPS Announcement of Opportunity (AO-3)
15 February 2022

Proposals are solicited in response to the third, and final, Announcement of Opportunity (AO-3) for observing time in the CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme during the nominal mission. This AO covers the period from 1 July 2022 to 24 September 2023.

Unique exoplanet photobombs CHEOPS study of nearby star system
28 June 2021

While exploring two exoplanets in a bright nearby star system, ESA's exoplanet-hunting CHEOPS satellite has unexpectedly spotted the system's third known planet crossing the face of the star. This transit reveals exciting details about a rare planet "with no known equivalent", say the researchers.

ESA's exoplanet watcher CHEOPS reveals unique planetary system
25 January 2021

ESA's exoplanet mission CHEOPS has revealed a unique planetary system consisting of six exoplanets, five of which are locked in a rare rhythmic dance as they orbit their central star. The sizes and masses of the planets, however, don't follow such an orderly pattern.

First results from CHEOPS: ESA's exoplanet observer reveals extreme alien world
28 September 2020

ESA's new exoplanet mission, CHEOPS, has found a nearby planetary system to contain one of the hottest and most extreme extra-solar planets known to date: WASP-189 b. The finding, the very first from the mission, demonstrates CHEOPS' unique ability to shed light on the Universe around us by revealing the secrets of these alien worlds.



Cheops AO-3 Programmes
7 June 2022

The CHEOPS Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met on 11 - 13 May 2022 to review proposals submitted to the third and final annual Announcement of Opportunity (AO-3) for observing time in ESA's CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme during the nominal mission.

CHEOPS Announcement of Opportunity (AO-3)
15 February 2022

Proposals are solicited in response to the third, and final, Announcement of Opportunity (AO-3) for observing time in the CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme during the nominal mission. This AO covers the period from 1 July 2022 to 24 September 2023.

CHEOPS AO-3 Postponed
5 November 2021

The third annual announcement of opportunity (AO-3) for participation in the CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme was due to open on 9 November 2021. The AO has been postponed and is currently foreseen to come out in early 2022.

CHEOPS AO-2 Programmes
25 February 2021

Observing time on CHEOPS in the Guest Observers Programme has been awarded to nine proposals received in response to the CHEOPS second Announcement of Opportunity (AO-2).


CHEOPS Discretionary Programme is now open
17 July 2020

Proposals are invited for the CHEOPS Discretionary Programme, an element of the Guest Observers Programme which enables scientists to propose observations of individual targets that have been discovered, or declared to be of high scientific merit, since the close of AO-1 back in mid-May 2019.

CHEOPS launch

CHEOPS launch

CHEOPS liftoff replay
18 December 2019

CHEOPS, ESA's 'Characterising Exoplanet Satellite', was successfully launched from Europe's Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, at 08:54:20 UTC (09:54:20 CET) on 18 December 2019. Watch the replay of the liftoff here.

CHEOPS launch media kit
10 December 2019

Download this interactive media kit to learn more about the launch of CHEOPS and the science goals of the mission.

Spotlight On ...

Spotlight On ...

CHEOPS brochure
3 April 2019Find out more about CHEOPS, the CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite, and its mission to study planets beyond our Solar System.
CHEOPS paper model - Assemble your own planet watcher
20 March 2018Print out and build a paper model of CHEOPS, the CHaracterising ExOPlanet Satellite.

CHEOPS journals

CHEOPS journals

#17: Practice makes perfect for CHEOPS inflight operations
25 June 2019It takes collaboration and teamwork to operate a spacecraft. As the CHEOPS launch approaches, a Europe-wide team is preparing to take control of inflight activities once the satellite is in space.
#16: CHEOPS is ready for flight
11 March 2019Recent months on the CHEOPS mission have seen the completion of spacecraft testing and the conclusion of a very important review, which determined that the satellite is ready to fly.
#15: A jigsaw falling into place: CHEOPS end-to-end testing complete
12 February 2019After a successful series of tests, the team that will operate the CHEOPS mission is ready for the activities to follow the satellite launch later this year.

From Our Partners

Featured Publications

Featured Publications

CHEOPS Definition Study Report (Red Book)
19 December 2013Reference: ESA/SRE(2013)7. This Definition Study Report (also known as the Red Book) presents the outcome of the CHEOPS Definition study. It describes the resulting mission concept that will fulfil the mission science requirements, and therefore allow us to achieve the science objectives presented in the original proposal, and further detailed...
4-Mar-2025 03:42 UT

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