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Cluster data showing the effects of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 6 November

Cluster data showing the effects of the Coronal Mass Ejection on 6 November

Copyright: Data courtesy of A. Balogh, IC, London, P. Daly, MPAe, Germany, and N. Cornilleau, CETP, France

The data show that the magnetosphere was actually compressed and then expanded on two occasions. Cluster first entered the solar wind at around 02:00 GMT. The spacecraft then crossed back into the magnetosphere before a second compression between 04:00 and 05:10 GMT left them once again in the solar wind.

(Top) FGM data show how the magnetic field suddenly increased above 100 nT at about 02:00 GMT and remained high for many hours.

(Centre) Data from the RAPID instrument show two sudden increases in high energy protons (above 10 MeV) after the arrival of the CME.

(Bottom) STAFF data show large magnetic waves associated with the solar wind when the spacecraft passed outside the magnetosphere.

(Data courtesy of A. Balogh, IC, London, P. Daly, MPAe, Germany, and N. Cornilleau, CETP, France).

Last Update: 1 September 2019
6-Oct-2024 08:17 UT

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