Energetic Electron Flux Variations Associated with ULF Waves

Date: 26 July 2007
Satellite: Cluster
Depicts: Simultaneous measurements of electron flux modulation and magnetic field variations
Copyright: Dr. Q. Zong et al., University of Massachusetts-Lowell (USA) and Peking University (China)
Energetic electron (30 to 120 keV) flux variations associated with ULF waves in the dayside magnetosphere observed by the four Cluster satellites on 31 October 2003. The electron flux modulation is shown in the upper panel, with the red dashed arrows representing the flux peaks. The bottom panel shows the Y component of the observed magnetic field after subtraction from the T89 model. The electron flux and the magnetic signal are found to be well correlated, in their dominant frequency of ~3.9 mHz, suggesting the key role of the ULF waves in modulating the energetic electron flux.
Last Update: 1 September 2019