Cluster spacecraft moves across X-line

Date: 08 August 2008
Satellite: Cluster
Depicts: Cluster C2's path through X-line on 1 October 2001
Copyright: He, J.-S. et al. [2008]
On 1 October 2001, the Cluster C2 spacecraft (red cube) moved across the X-line*, shown on a 2-D cross-section of the magnetic field configuration, at the time tags:
t1 = 09:48:25.548 UT
t2 = 09:48:25.637 UT
t3 = 09:48:25.726 UT
*The X-line is a virtual region representing two magnetic field lines which are initially mostly anti-parallel and which, during the reconnection process, are pushed towards one another and connect leading to the formation of jets when the (magnetic) pressure is released.
Last Update: 1 September 2019