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News archive

Combined observations from the Cluster and Double Star missions have resulted in the discovery of a new onset mechanism for a magnetospheric phenomenon that induces bright aurorae: the magnetic substorm
Published: 11 September 2007
Simultaneous observations by multiple satellites and ground-based instruments have allowed for the generation mechanism of waves related to the creation of killer electrons in Earth's magnetosphere to be verified
Published: 26 July 2007
Reported in a recent Nature Physics article, Cluster has made the first ever observation in space of a null-null line linking two magnetic reconnection sites, providing a new 3D view on reconnection processes in Earth's magnetosphere
Published: 29 June 2007
After weeks of manoeuvres in space, Samba and Tango, two of the four Cluster satellites are now flying in formation with a record smallest separation distance of only 17 kilometres
Published: 21 June 2007
Published recently in the Geophysical Research Letters, observations made with the four Cluster spacecraft have provided the first in-situ evidence of the reformation of the Earth's bowshock, showing its variable nature
Published: 11 May 2007
Cluster has gathered unique multi-point observations of the physical parameters at the heart of a substorm in Earth's magnetotail, allowing for verification of existing models. These events are responsible for dynamic aurorae displays on Earth
Published: 12 April 2007
The Cluster spacecraft have provided evidence of magnetic reconnection in turbulent space plasma, which up to now was only theorised to occur at these small scales.
Published: 26 March 2007
In-situ observations by the four Cluster spacecraft have provided unique information on the details of magnetic reconnection in space that was hitherto not observed at these small scales.
Published: 12 March 2007
The Cluster spacecraft have made in-situ observations of the difference between two mechanisms that both produce aurorae by accelerating electrons in electrical circuits directly above the visible light arcs
Published: 9 February 2007
29 December 2006 marks a milestone for the fleet of four Cluster spacecraft with its 1000th orbit around the Earth. In their highly elliptical polar orbit the four spacecraft explore the Earth's environment with unique multipoint observations.
Published: 29 December 2006
A team of scientists led by Katariina Nykyri revealed in a recent publication the presence of magnetic reconnection within giant ~40 000 km sized plasma swirls, that allows solar wind material to penetrate the Earth's magnetopause.
Published: 6 December 2006
Recent studies of data obtained by ESA's four Cluster spacecraft and the NASA IMAGE mission, have proven the Earth's outer plasmasphere to be very complex and highly dynamic in nature on both small and large scales.
Published: 13 November 2006
Detailed simultaneous observations by the Cluster spacecraft and the TC-1 Double Star satellite, reveal new characteristics of reconnection sites at the Earth's magnetopause.
Published: 3 October 2006
A recent article by Cao et al. reports new insights obtained from a study of Cluster multi-spacecraft observations, into the important role played by bursty bulk flows in the inner central plasma sheet during magnetic substorms.
Published: 24 August 2006
Published in the July edition of Nature Physics, an international team led by Chinese scientists report the observational first by Cluster of the key region at the heart of the magnetic reconnection process in 3D.
Published: 18 July 2006
Presented in a recent paper by George Parks et al, unique observations of the combined Cluster and Double Star TC-1 spacecraft have revealed a new phenomenon of density holes in the solar wind, thousands of kilometres across.
Published: 20 June 2006
In an article based on multi-point observations from the Cluster spacecraft, a team led by Forrest Mozer reveals new insights into the processes at the core of the magnetic reconnection phenomenon.
Published: 19 May 2006
Published 8 November 2005 in Annales Geophysicae, an article by Zhang et al. presents the first ever simultaneous observation of neutral sheet oscillations over a distance of 5 Earth radii.
Published: 30 March 2006
In an article recently published in the Physical Review Letters, a team of scientists led by Dr Fouad Sahraoui reveal their unique new findings on the turbulent processes in the Earth's magnetosheath region.
Published: 24 February 2006
Exactly 5 years after the start of scientific operations on the four Cluster spacecraft, the Cluster Active Archive (CAA) goes online, providing free and full access to the Cluster data and related products.
Published: 1 February 2006
25-Jan-2025 02:48 UT

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