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Study of reconnection-associated multiscale fluctuations with Cluster and Double Star

Study of reconnection-associated multiscale fluctuations with Cluster and Double Star

Publication date: 26 April 2008

Authors: Vörös, Z. et al.

Journal: J. Geophys. Res.
Volume: 113
Issue: A07
ID: A07S29
Year: 2008

Copyright: American Geophysical Union

The objective of the paper is to asses the specific spectral scaling properties of magnetic reconnection associated fluctuations/turbulence at the earthward and tailward outflow regions observed simultaneously by the Cluster and Double Star (TC-2) spacecraft on 26 September 2005. Systematic comparisons of spectral characteristics, including variance anisotropy and scale-dependent spectral anisotropy features in wave vector space were possible due to the well-documented reconnection events, occurring between the positions of Cluster (X = - 14-16 Re) and TC-2 (X = - 6.6 Re). Another factor of key importance is that the magnetometers on the spacecraft are similar. The comparisons provide further evidence for asymmetry of physical processes in earthward/tailward reconnection outflow regions. Variance anisotropy and spectral anisotropy angles estimated from the multiscale magnetic fluctuations in the tailward outflow region show features which are characteristic for magnetohydrodynamic cascading turbulence in the presence of a local mean magnetic field. The multiscale magnetic fluctuations in the earthward outflow region are not only exhibiting more power, lack of variance, and scale-dependent anisotropies but also are having larger anisotropy angles. In this region the magnetic field is more dipolar and the main processes driving turbulence are flow breaking/mixing, perhaps combined with turbulence ageing and noncascade-related multiscale energy sources.

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