ESA GRID Workshop
The objective of this Workshop was to present space-related GRID activities that have been initiated in recent years, with a view of consolidating a policy that will be followed by ESA in the coming years. The Workshop brought together technical experts dealing with various aspects of GRID (i.e. infrastructure, middleware and applications) to explain to potential users within the Agency and those associated with its programmes, the evolution and benefits of GRID technology.
The Programme contains links to all the given Presentations.
Final Programme
GRID Initiatives and Perspectives (Moderator: E. Seidel) | |||
09:00 | Introduction (S. Ansari - ESA) | 62 kb | |
09:10 | GRID from an application viewpoint (E. Seidel - GGF) | 2.0 Mb | |
09:45 | Grids: Why, How and What Next? (J.A. Templon - NIK-HEF) | 1.8 Mb | |
10:45 | Coffee Break | ||
11:00 | ESA, ESACOM, and their future part in European networking (M. Boele - ESA) | 121 kb | |
11:30 | GridStart and its perspectives (M. Parsons - GridStart) | 55 kb | |
12:15 | Radiation Transport Simulation within SpaceGRID (D. Wallom - SciSys) | 561 kb | |
12:30 - 13:00 | Demonstrations | ||
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch | ||
Specific Space related applications (Moderator: G Cavallo) | |||
Discuss ESA practical involvement in the use of this technology, the requirements and the experiences so far achieved and the definition of near future plans. | |||
14:00 | What is going on in ESA (L. Fusco - ESA) | 2.1 Mb | |
14:15 | The Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (R. Albrecht - ESA) | 1.4 Mb | |
14:45 | Dutch Space GREASE (R. Grim - DutchSpace) |
156 kb | |
14:55 | Space weather within SpaceGRID (SpaceGrid Contractors - TBD) | ||
15:05 | Solar System Research within SpaceGrid and EGSO (C. Perry - RAL) | ||
15:15 | Earth Observation within SpaceGRID (P-G Marchetti) | 3.4 Mb | |
15:25 | Satellite Engineering within SpaceGRID (H-P De Koning) | ||
15:35 | Coffee Break | ||
Requirements for Grid in ESA (Moderator: G. Cavallo) | |||
15:45 | The Concurrent Design Facility (M. Bandecchi - ESA) | 1.7 Mb | |
16:00 | Distributed Interactive simulation and Advanced Distant learning (L. Arguello - ESA) |
780 kb | |
16:15 | MSM requirements on Grid Technology (M. Sabbatini - ESA) | 32 kb | |
16:30 | Requirements from the Centre de Donnees de Physique de Plasma (C. Harvey - CDPP) |
80 kb | |
16:45 | Open Discussion | ||
Conclusions (G Cavallo) | |||
17:15 | Conclusions and recommendations to ESA Management Board | ||
17:30 | End |
List of Participants
Name | Affiliation, Country | |
Mr. Rudi Albrecht | ralbrech![]() |
ESA, Germany |
Mr. Salim Ansari | Salim.Ansari![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Jean-Pierre Antikidis | jean-pierre.antikidis![]() |
CNES, France |
Mr. Luis Arguello | Luis.Arguello![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Massimo Bandecchi | Massimo.Bandecchi![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Stefano Beco | stefano.beco![]() |
DATAMAT, Italy |
Mr. Kevin Bennett | kbennett![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Bob Bentley | rdb![]() |
Mr. Pier-Louis Blelly | pierre-louis.blelly![]() |
CESR, France |
Mr. Michael Boele | Michael.Boele![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Kors Bos | k.bos![]() |
NIK-HEF, Netherlands |
Mr. Marco Casucci | mm![]() |
INTECS, Italy |
Mr. Giacomo Cavallo | Giacomo.Cavallo![]() |
ESA, France |
Mr. Yves Coene | yce![]() |
Spacebel, Belgium |
Mr. Joel Courget | joel.courquet![]() |
C-S, France |
Mr. Wim Cudlip | WCudlip![]() |
Mr. Dargent Thierry | thierry.dargent![]() |
Alcatel, France |
Mr. Hans-Peter de Koning |![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Diego Escorial | Diego.Escorial![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Hugh Evans | Hugh.Evans![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Luigi Fusco | Luigi.Fusco![]() |
ESA, Italy |
Mr. Andres Galvez | Andres.Galvez![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Giovanni Garofalo | Giovanni.Garofalo![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Ruud Grim | R.Grim![]() |
Dutch Space, Netherlands |
Mr. Federico Rossi | federico.rossi![]() |
DATMAT, Italy |
Mr. David Groep | davidg![]() |
NIKHEF, Netherlands |
Mr. Jean-Pierre Guignard | Jean.Pierre.Guignard![]() |
ESA, Italy |
Ms. Constanza Guillen | Constanza.Guillen.Arredondo![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. John Gunner | John.Gunner![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Dr. Chris Harvey | Chris.harvey![]() |
CDPP/CNRS, France |
Mr. Wilhelm Kordulla | Wilhelm.Kordulla![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. P La Vopa | lavopa![]() |
SSI, Italy |
Mr. Fan Lei | flei![]() |
QientiQ, UK |
Mr. Mark Linde ter | M.ter.Linden![]() |
Dutch Space, Netherlands |
Mr. Pier-Giorgio Marchetti | Pier-Giorgio.Marchetti![]() |
ESA, Italy |
Mr. Juan Miro | juan.miro![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Ricardo Berto Monleon | Ricardo.Berto.Monleon![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. Conrad Morris | conrad.morris![]() |
Mr. Michel Nonon-Latapie | Nonon![]() |
CDPP/CNES, France |
Mr. Carlo Paccagnini | cpaccagn![]() |
Alenia Spazio, Italy |
Dr. Mark Parsons | m.parsons![]() |
Univ. of Edinburgh, UK |
Ms. Veronique Perrin | Veronique.Perrin![]() |
Alcatel, France |
Mr. Chris Perry | C.H.Perry![]() |
Mr. David Rodgers | djrodgers![]() |
QinetiQ, UK |
Mr. Massimo Sabbatini | Massimo.Sabbatini![]() |
ESA, Netherlands |
Mr. P. Schiano | p.schiano![]() |
CIRA, Italy |
Mr. Andreas Schreiber | Andreas.Schreiber![]() |
DLR, Germany |
Mr. Ed Seidel | eseidel![]() |
MPG, Germany |
Mr. Wim Som de Cerff | sdecerff![]() |
KNMI, Netherlands |
Mr. Brian Stewart | B.C.Stewart![]() |
Mr. Jeff Templon | templon![]() |
NIKHEF, Netherlands |
Mr. Joost van Bemmelen | Joost.Van.Bemmelen![]() |
INTECS, Italy |
Mr. David Wallom | David.Wallom![]() |
SCI Sys, UK |
Mr. Tony Wells | tony.wells![]() |
Last Update: 1 September 2019