Announcement Archive

Announcement Archive

With the fourth Suzaku European Announcement of Opportunity (EAO-4), proposals are solicited from scientists belonging to institutions within ESA Member States for observing time in the portion reserved for the ESA-Japan programme. The EAO-4 observing time is planned to start in April 2009 and last for 12 months.
Published: 8 September 2008
A Call for Expression of Interest in Participating in the GREAT (Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training) programme has been issued
Published: 2 September 2008
Proposals are solicited for observations with XMM-Newton in response to the Eighth Announcement of Opportunity, AO-8, issued today. This AO covers the period May 2009 to April 2010 and is open to all proposers. The deadline for receipt of proposals has passed.
Published: 26 August 2008
ESA has issued a Call for White Papers as input to the Exo-Planet Roadmap Advisory Team. This is part of the EPR-AT consultation process with the broad scientific community.
Published: 26 May 2008
ESA has issued a "Call for Declarations of Interest in Science Instrumentation" for the M-class Cosmic Vision mission, Euclid. Similar calls have already been issued for Cross-Scale, Marco Polo and Plato.
Published: 23 May 2008
Dear Colleague,I am pleased to invite you to respond to the "Announcement of Opportunity" to submit proposals for observations to be performed with AKARI in its Post-Helium phase.
Published: 13 May 2008
ESA has issued a "Call for Declarations of Interest in Science Instrumentation" for the M-class Cosmic Vision mission studies Cross Scale, Marco Polo, Plato, and Euclid.
Published: 5 May 2008
The 6th Announcement of Opportunity for observations with the INTEGRAL gamma-ray observatory solicits for submission of proposals before 18 April 2008
Published: 10 March 2008
AnnouncementThe International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, invites proposals from International Teams to conduct on its premises study activities in Space Science (Earth System sciences, Solar and Solar Terrestrial science, Planetary science, Astrobiology, Astrophysics and Fundamental physics), based on the analysis and evaluation of existing data from several spacecraft and eventual integration with ground observations and theoretical models.
Published: 17 January 2008
Note - Deadline for submission has passedDear Colleague,As you may recall, a proposal for ESA's participation in the Space Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) mission led by JAXA was recommended by the Space Science Advisory Committee (SSAC) at its October 2007 meeting for an Assessment Study phase lasting until 2009.The purpose of the present letter is to draw your attention to the opportunities for individuals and scientific institutions from ESA member states to participate in the Assessment Phase study activities of the Far-IR instrument foreseen on SPICA and solicit your interest in the project.
Published: 12 December 2007
Note - Deadline for submission has passed This Announcement of Opportunity (AO) solicits proposals of scientific investigations for the Solar Orbiter mission. Solar Orbiter is the next solar-heliospheric mission in the Science Programme of the European Space Agency (ESA). It has recently been redefined as part of a joint ESA-NASA programme called Heliophysical Explorers that comprises ESA's Solar Orbiter and NASA's Solar Sentinels as a highly synergetic programme. The Solar Orbiter mission is devoted to solar and heliospheric physics. It will be carried out as an ESA-led mission open to the worldwide science community.
Published: 18 October 2007
Wednesday, 11 April 2007, the briefing meeting to the proposers who responded to the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Call for Proposals, took place at ESTEC in Noordwijk. The day's presentations are available here in PDF.
Published: 12 April 2007
Dear Colleague, I am very pleased to invite you to respond to the 5th Announcement of Opportunity by submitting proposals for observations to be performed with the International Gamma-ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) satellite or for obtaining data rights to targets within the previously approved Key Programmes.
Published: 12 March 2007
The implementation of the new Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 science programme will be done in successive selection cycles of mission proposals, starting with this call for proposals for the first planning cycle
Published: 5 March 2007
The Science Directorate of the European Space Agency has released an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for membership in the science team of the Gaia mission. The invitation from the Director of Science to respond to this AO is presented here. The AO document and the Science Management Plan can be accessed from the right-hand menu. The deadline for receipt of proposals has now passed.
Published: 1 March 2007
The scientific community is invited to participate in the JAXA/NASA/PPARC/ESA Hinode program by responding to the present ESA Announcement of Opportunity, which solicits proposals for European membership in the Hinode Science Working Group (two individuals in total). Participation in the Hinode Science Working Group (SWG) is open to all scientists affiliated with institutions in ESA member states.
Published: 19 January 2007
Dear Sir/Madam,Announcement The International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, invites proposals from International Teams to conduct on its premises study activities in Space Science (Earth System sciences, Solar and Solar Terrestrial science, Planetary science, Astrobiology, Astrophysics and Fundamental physics), based on the analysis and evaluation of existing data from several spacecraft and eventual integration with ground observations and theoretical models.
Published: 17 January 2007
Folowing the SPC meeting on 7-8 November, a tentative schedule for the issuing of the Call for Proposals for "Cosmic Vision 2015-2025" has been set up.
Published: 10 November 2006
5-Dec-2024 09:24 UT

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