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Three positions at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre

Three positions at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre

25 November 2003

The following positions are available at the ISDC, Geneva, - 1 Postdoctoral position - 1 PhD student position - 1 Senior visitor position

Postdoctoral position available at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)

The ISDC has an open postdoctoral position. The position is immediately available.

The ISDC is in charge of receiving, processing, analysing, distributing and archiving the INTEGRAL data. Beside its service activities the centre actively contributes to research in the elds of active galactic nuclei, X-ray binary systems and nucleosynthesis. The candidate is expected to participate to the service activities and research of the centre.

The candidate is expected to contribute to the service activities in the area of user support. The task includes a participation in the helpdesk activities, thus contributing to the sharing of the knowledge available at ISDC and elsewhere in the data reduction and analysis with the community of users. We also expect that the ISDC will organise data analysis meetings to which we would expect the candidate to contribute substancially.

The research directions that are most active at the ISDC are in the eld of active galactic nuclei and compact objects in our Galaxy. We do wish our future colleague to contribute high level research in high energy astrophysics, preferentially in domains where a core of activity exists already at the ISDC.

Candidates should have a PhD in physics or astronomy and a proven track of research in high energy astrophysics. Experience of data analysis of high energy instruments would be very valuable as would be some knowledge of INTEGRAL and its instruments. Employement conditions are those of the university of Geneva. The ISDC is located in Versoix, some 10 km from Geneva, close to the Geneva Observatory.

Candidates should send their applications to T. Courvoisier, at ISDC before December 10, 2003.

PhD. student position available at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)

The ISDC is part of the department of Astronomy of the Geneva University.

PhD students may develop their thesis at the ISDC in the eld of high energy astrophysics under the direction of Prof. T. Courvoisier. The thesis will make a wide use of the data from ESA's gamma ray mission INTEGRAL that was launched in October 2002. Potential directions for a thesis are the elds of compact objects within our Galaxy or active galactic nuclei. A large pool of competent researchers are available at ISDC thus providing for a lively research environement.

Some level of contribution in the activities of the ISDC are expected from the students as is some contribution to teaching activities in high energy astrophysics.

Candidates must have a physics diploma or an equivalent title. They will be expected to follow the doctoral school of the department or show that equivalent competences were acquired elsewhere.

Positions are regularly available, one is free immediately.

Candidates are invited to contact Prof. T. Courvoisier at the ISDC.

Senior visitor position available at the INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC)

The ISDC is in charge of receiving, processing, analysing, distributing and archiving the INTEGRAL data. Beside its service activities the centre actively contributes to research in the elds of active galactic nuclei, X-ray binary systems and nucleo- synthesis.

In the course of 2004 the ISDC will have the possibility to support one or a few short term senior visitors. We would like to welcome colleagues who wish to spend several weeks to few months at the centre to become familiar with the INTEGRAL data and their analysis and who can contribute to the scientific research of the centre through collaborations with its staff.

Contact Details

Thierry J.-L. Courvoisier
INTEGRAL Science Data Centre
Chemin d'Ecogia 16
CH-1290 Versoix

E-mail :

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