International Workshop on the Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe
Start date: 22 Feb 2006
Address: Kashiwa Campus of the Universty of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
The Workshop is devoted to the discussion of our understanding in the non-thermal, high energy Universe. The existence of materials with very high specific energies, much exceeding the local virial temperature, is best represented by cosmic rays, of which the origin has long been a mystery. Recent astrophysical observations in X-ray, gamma-ray, neutrino and high energy cosmic ray experiments, in conjunction with theoretical studies, have been revealing various new aspects of the High Energy Universe, including promising candidates for the cosmic-ray acceleration sites. This workshop aims to discuss the whole view of the issue and will disccuss to what extent we understand the fluxes, the spectra and the maximum energies of the cosmic radiation produced in various astrophysical sites.