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Two open positions at the ISDC

Two open positions at the ISDC

23 October 2006

Two positions are open at the ISDC [Versoix, Switzerland] forHigh-energy astrophysicistPost doctoral high-energy astrophysicist Applications for both positions should be preferably made before 1 November

Search for a high-energy astrophysicist at the ISDC

The INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC) processes, analyses, archives and distributes all the data from ESA's gamma ray astronomical satellite INTEGRAL. The data are processed in real time to detect gamma ray bursts, calculate their position and disseminate this information automatically. The data are then processed a second time in near real time to detect new sources and those having varied by large factors. This process is at the origin of a number of astronomical telegrams. The data are then processed and analysed a third time, to archive and distribute the best possible data and results. These processes are all run by a team of operators with the assistance of the ISDC scientists on a regular shift system, working every day of the year. These operations are under the responsibility of the ISDC operations coordinator.

Following some re-organisation of the ISDC staff, we are looking for a scientist with 2-3 years at least of post-doctoral experience to fill the operations coordinator position. The responsibilities include ensuring that the routine operations are conducted with a very high degree of reliability, organising the shifts among the ISDC scientists, contributing to the management of the INTEGRAL related activities of the ISDC and following the work of the operators. The operations scientist is also expected to conduct an active research programme in high energy astrophysics.

The position requires a very reliable work, autonomy in the organisation of the operations and availability to support the staff also during some week ends. We offer a lively research environment, contacts with a very international staff and the possibility of numerous collaborations on work involving INTEGRAL data.

Interested scientists should send their application to:
Ops. Coordinator Search
c/o Martine Logossou
16, ch. d'Ecogia

or as pdf files to

Further iformation on the position may be obtained from:

Search for a post doctoral high-energy astrophysicist at the ISDC

The INTEGRAL Science Data Centre (ISDC) processes, analyses, archives and distributes all the data from ESA's gamma ray astronomical satellite INTEGRAL. The ISDC is attached to the Geneva observatory and thus to the university of Geneva. The staff of the ISDC are mainly astrophysicists and engineers. All staff contribute to the functioning of the ISDC operations. Research at the ISDC is directed to high energy astrophysics with an emphasis on compact objects, galactic and AGN.

We are seeking a young post doctoral collaborator. The tasks of this future collaborator will include the conduct of a research programmme in one area of expertise of the ISDC as well as a contribution to the service activities of the centre. These include taking part in the routine operations related to the near real time analysis of INTEGRAL data and a contribution to development related activities. One actual development activity is the improvement of the JEM-X data analysis. Experience related to this area would be an asset.

We offer a lively research environment, contacts with a very international staff and the possibility of numerous collaborations on work involving INTEGRAL data.

Interested scientists should send their application to:
Postdoc Search
c/o Martine Logossou
16, ch. d'Ecogia

or as pdf files to

Further information on the position may be obtained from:

Last Update: 1 September 2019
5-Feb-2025 14:11 UT

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