Using population synthesis of massive stars to study the interstellar medium near OB associations
Publication date: 17 July 2009
Authors: Voss, R., et al.
Journal: Astronomy & Astrophysics
Volume: 504
Issue: 2
Page: 531-542
Year: 2009
Copyright: ESO
Aims. We study the massive stars in OB associations and their surrounding interstellar medium environment, using a population synthesis code.
Methods. We developed a new population synthesis code for groups of massive stars, where we model the emission of different forms of energy and matter from the stars of the association. In particular, the ejection of the two radioactive isotopes 26Al and 60Fe is followed, as well as the emission of hydrogen ionizing photons, and the kinetic energy of the stellar winds and supernova explosions. We investigate various alternative astrophysical inputs and the resulting output sensitivities, especially effects due to the inclusion of rotation in stellar models. As the aim of the code is the application to relatively small populations of massive stars, special care is taken to address their statistical properties. Our code incorporates both analytical statistical methods applicable to small populations, as well as extensive Monte Carlo simulations.
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