IXO response matrices
A set of response matrices for the IXO telescope have been generated to reflect the latest system design and performance prediction, as from the completion of the assessment study activities in May 2010. The matrices have been computed assuming conservative estimates of the telescope effective area - further details are given in the associated memo (SRE-PA/2010.037/v2.0 - available to downoad from the table below). The response matrices also include the latest information on the instruments efficiency as received from the instrument consortia in April-May 2010. The table below summarizes the files that are available; to download, right-click on the filename and use the 'Save Target As ...' option.
File name |
Comment |
IXO_Matrices_v2.0.pdf |
Explanatory document: This memo outlines the various input parameters for the generation of the IXO response matrices. |
Response matrices: ixo_spo_htrs_open_2.5_20100527.rsp |
These files are in FITS format. The file names are constructed using the following key: telescope = ixo_spo (indicating that the response matrices refer to the silicon pore optics option).
filter= open: thick: thin: none: Al+PP area = 2.5 indicates responses have been generated for a conservative 2.5m² (net) mirror effective area; the default is for a somewhat larger (net) effective area |
ixo_spo_htrs_open_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_htrs_thick_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_htrs_thick_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_htrs_thin_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_htrs_thin_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_hxi_none_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_hxi_none_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_wfi_Al+PP_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_wfi_Al+PP_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_wfi_open_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_wfi_open_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_xms_none_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_xms_none_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_xpol_default_2.5_20100527.rsp | |
ixo_spo_xpol_default_20100527.rsp | |
20100527_matrices_spo.zip |
Questions about the response matrices may be directed to:
David Lumb, ESA IXO Study Scientist
Email: David.Lumb@esa.int