Inside the Planck Dome
Date: 03 December 2008
Depicts: Inside the Planck Dome
Location: Grand Palais, Paris, France
Copyright: Canopée
Show in archive: true
A Planck exhibit, entitled "Planck - Looking back to the dawn of time", featured at the "La Ville Européenne des Sciences" exhibition in November 2008. The exhibit comprised a 10m portable planetarium and featured hardware models, interactive games, and informative poster panels all devoted to explaining the Planck mission - ESA's satellite dedicated to mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background.
Inside the dome a quarter-scale moving model of the spacecraft took centre stage. The rotating model demonstrated how the surveying satellite will scan the sky gathering information about the very origins of the Universe. In tandem, a high-tech simulation of the Cosmic Microwave Background was projected onto the dome illustrating what the anticipated Planck sky map will look like.
Last Update: 1 September 2019