Valles Marineris Region
This image was aquired in orbit 18 on 14 January 2004 from an altitude of 275 km. It shows a region north of Valles Marineris located at between 5 and 10°N, 323°E. The image height is 50 km, it has a resolution of 12 m per pixel. The features in the picture indicate erosional processes possibly caused by water. North is to the right side of the picture.
NB: The larger of the two hi-res files for download is 25000 x 5000 pixels in size. Your browser might experience some difficulties in handling this file. If you want to view this image it is suggested that you do a right mouse click over the image and select a download option to save the image onto your local drive. Once saved open the image in a graphics package.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO License.