Workshop 'Mars III' at Les Houches
Start date: 28 Mar 2010, 23:00
Address: Les Houches Physics School,Côte des Chavants,
F-74310 Les Houches, France
The goals of the workshop were to integrate the main results of both the recent Earth-based observations and the missions to Mars (MarsExpress, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Phoenix and Mars Exploration Rovers) into a new global picture of Mars evolution. With the same spirit of the previous workshops, discussions among scientists of different disciplines were encouraged and it is foreseen that they will help refine the scientific goals of the future missions to Mars. This workshop was an opportunity for the young scientists to be updated on the most recent results and to be trained in some specific data processing techniques. The presentations and poster abstracts from the workshop are now available. See the link in the right-hand menu under 'documentation'.