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Workshop Mars III, Les Houches, 2010

Workshop Mars III, Les Houches, 2010

Presentations and poster abstracts

Workshop Mars III

28 March - 2 April 2010
Les Houches, France
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Group photo of the participants at the 2010 workshop 'Mars III'

The presentations given at the workshop 'Mars III' are now available in PDF format. They can be downloaded from the programme table below, by clicking on the corresponding "PDF" link in the right-most column.

Material from the different 'OMEGA/CRISM data workshop' sessions have been grouped together and are listed at the end of this page.

The workshop poster abstracts are available in a single file. This file can be downloaded by clicking on the icon to the right (PDF, 1.3 Mb).

   Download the poster abstracts

For the complete workshop details, please see the workshop home page linked from the right-hand menu.

Sunday 28 March 2010

21:00-22:00 Introduction
J. Mustard

Monday 29 March 2010

09:00-10:30 Geological history, tutorial I
N. Mangold
11:00-12:30 Geological history, tutorial II
E. Hauber
17:00-18:00 Crater counting and implications for the history of Mars
S. Werner
18:00-19:00 Radar mapping and water reservoirs on Mars
J. Plaut
21:00-22:00 Mineralogy and history of Mars
J.-P. Bibring

Tuesday 30 March 2010

09:00-10:30 Atmospheric composition, tutorial
S. Atreya
11:00-12:30 Climate, tutorial I
M. Mischna
17:00-18:30 Climate, tutorial II
F. Forget
21:00-22:00 Geochemistry of Mars
M. Chaussidon

Wednesday 31 March 2010

08:40-09:30 Minor species and thermal structure of the atmosphere
M. Giuranna
09:30-10:20 Methane observations
M. Mumma
10:50-11:20 Methane modelling
F. Lefèvre
11:20-12:30 Atmospheric water reservoirs
O. Korablev
17:00-18:00 Coupling between atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere, escape mechanisms
R. Lundin
18:00-19:00 Exosphere: theory, models and observations
J.-L. Bertaux

Thursday 1 April 2010

09:00-10:30 Internal structure, tutorial
V. Dehant
11:00-12:30 Exobiology, tutorial
F. Raulin
Overview of results from current missions:
17:00-18:00 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
J. Plaut
18:00-19:00 Mars Exploration Rovers
B. Banerdt
21:00-22:00 Phoenix
W.J. Markiewicz

Friday 2 April 2010

Forum on future missions:
09:00-09:30 MSL/Curiosity
A. Vasavada
09:30-10:00 Phobos-Grunt
O. Korablev
10:00-10:30 MAVEN
O. Witasse on behalf of J. Grebowsky
11:00-11:30 ESA-NASA Mars exploration missions 2016-2018
O. Witasse on behalf of M. Coradini
11:30-12:00 Network mission
P. Lognonné
12:00-12:30 Open discussion

Data workshop: OMEGA/CRISM

Introduction to PDS and ESA data archives PDF
OMEGA science introduction PDF
OMEGA software PDF
Photos of notes on the board PDF
OMEGA instrumental problems PDF
CRISM Instrument, Mission, and Data Set Description PDF



The workshop 'Mars III' was held 28 March to 2 April 2010 at the Les Houches Physics School in the French Alps. Around 70 participants, including speakers and organizers, attended the workshop:

Name Institute
Al-Samir, Muna German Aerospace Center Institute of Planetary Research
Appere, Thomas Laboratoire de Planétologie de Grenoble
Atreya, Sushil University of Michigan
Banerdt, William Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Baptista, Ana CEPS, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC
Bertaux, Jean-Loup Laboratoire LATMOS
Biancheri-Astier, Marc LATMOS-IPSL-CNRS
Bibring, Jean-Pierre Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Bost, Nicolas Laboratoire CBM, Orleans
Carter, John Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Chaussidon, Marc Laboratoire CRPG, Nancy
Chester, Ed CTAE
Chizek, Malynda New Mexico State University
Civet, Francois IUEM, Brest
Craddock, Robert Smithsonian Institution
Dehant, Veronique Royal Observatory of Belgium
Dehouck, Erwin Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique, UMR6112, CNRS/Université de Nantes
Dufour, Carole CNES
Encrenaz, Therese Laboratoire LESIA, Meudon
Erkeling, Gino WWU Münster - Institut für Planetologie
Evdokimova, Nadezda Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow
Flahaut, Jessica LST - ENS Lyon
Forget, Francois LMD, IPSL, Paris.
Foucher, Frederic Laboratoire CBM, Orleans
Geminale, Anna IFSI-INAF, Rome
Girard, Vincent UHP nancy
Giuranna, Marco IFSI-INAF, Rome
Gondet, Brigitte Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Gronoff, Guillaume NASA GSFC
Guslyakova, Svetlana Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow
Hauber, Ernst German Aerospace Center Institute of Planetary Research
Hill, Kathryn University of Leicester
Jouannic, Gwenael Laboratoire IDES, Orsay
Korablev, Oleg Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow
Lefèvre, Franck Laboratoire LATMOS
Lognonné, Philippe Laboratoire IPGP
Loizeau, Damien Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Lundin, Rickard Swedish Institute of Space Physics
Mangold, Nicolas Laboratoire LPG Nantes
Markiewicz, Wojciech Max Planck Institute
Mischna, Michael Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Montesi, Laurent University of Maryland
Morschhauser, Achim German Aerospace Center Institute of Planetary Research
Motamedi, Raheleh Vrije university Amsterdam
Mumma, Mike NASA GSFC
Mustard, John Brown University
Neary, Lori Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique
Ody, Anouck Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Pilorget, Cedric Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Plaut, Jeffrey Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Plescia, Jeffrey Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Lab
Poulet, Francois Laboratory IAS, Orsay
Raulin, Francois Laboratoire LISA
Ridder, Nina Nadine ESA ESTEC
Robert, Severine Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique
Rocard, Francis CNES
Saraiva, Jose CERENA / IST
Schulster, Jonathan ESA ESOC
Schwenzer, Susanne Petra The Open University
Sindoni, Giuseppe IFSI-INAF, Rome
Stock, Joachim Wolfgang Institute of Planetary Research, DLR
Thollot, Patrick Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique, UMR6112, CNRS/Université de Nantes
Tragheim, Douglas British Geological Survey
Trokhimovskiy, Alexander Space Research Institute (IKI), Moscow
Vasavada, Ashwin Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Werner, Stephanie PGP - University of Oslo
Willame, Yannick Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique
Wilquet, Valerie Institut d'Aeronomie Spatiale de Belgique
Witasse, Olivier ESA ESTEC


Group photo of the participants at the 2010 workshop 'Mars III'


The workshop venue was the Les Houches Physics School (left) in the French Alps, with spectacular views of the mountains (middle & right).


Impressions of the workshop, with from left to right: participants in the amphitheatre 'Yves Rocard'; exobiology tutorial by Francois Raulin; outdoor activity during a coffee break.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
16-Feb-2025 21:23 UT

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