Flight Model Sensor Unit of SPICAM
Date: 15 February 2010
Satellite: Mars Express
Copyright: ESA
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Flight Model Sensor Unit of SPICAM, viewed from above. SPICAM is an imaging spectrometer equipped with two channels, one for ultraviolet wavelengths and one for near-infrared. In this photo, the near-infrared spectrometer, employing an acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF), is at top; the ultraviolet spectrometer is at bottom. The common optical axis points to the left.
For the ultraviolet spectrometer, the light enters the mechanical baffle (black), is focused by a parabolic mirror (bottom right) through a slit, then dispersed by the grating (middle left), to be refocused on the intensified CCD Detector (at centre).
Reference: Bertaux et al., ESA SP-1240, pp 95-120, (2004)
Last Update: 1 September 2019