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Planck image shows filamentary structures at large-scales in the Milky Way

Planck image shows filamentary structures at large-scales in the Milky Way

Date: 16 March 2010
Satellite: Planck
Depicts: Region of the Milky Way
Copyright: ESA and the HFI Consortium

Filamentary structures are apparent at large-scales in this Planck image of a region of the Milky Way.

This Planck image, covering a portion of the sky about 55 degrees in total extent, was obtained by the Planck High Frequency Instrument at a frequency of 857 GHz (corresponding to a wavelength of 350 micrometres). The bright horizontal band corresponds to the plane of our spiral Galaxy, which is seen in cross-section from our vantage point. The colours in the Planck image represent the intensity of heat radiation by dust.

This Planck image was obtained during the first Planck all-sky survey which began in mid-August 2009. By mid-March 2010 more than 98% of the sky had been observed by Planck. Because of the way Planck scans the sky, 100% sky coverage for the first survey will not be completed until late-May 2010.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 20:19 UT

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