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As part of a four-day American tour on current European/US cooperative projects, Prof. R.M. Bonnet, ESA's Director of Science, today visited NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center (GSFC). During the visit he met with the SOHO management and operations teams, both to review forthcoming operations on SOHO and, more importantly, to offer his personal congratulations for the extraordinary efforts they put into the recovery of SOHO in the period June to October last year.
Published: 25 January 1999
Elizabeth Zehetbauer started working in the space sector six years ago. At the Austrian Aerospace facility at Berndorf in Lower Austria, she belongs to the department that produces the thermal insulation for spacecraft.
Published: 24 January 1999
The XMM lower module was taken out of the Large Space Simulator (LSS) at ESTEC yesterday, Thursday 21 January, after successful completion of performance tests under vacuum at high and low temperatures.
Published: 21 January 1999
Some 100 scientists and engineers came together during the latest meetingof the RosettaScience Working Team (SWT) at the European Space Research and TechnologyCentre(ESTEC) in Noordwijk, Netherlands, on 14 and 15 January. Those present included representatives from theUnited States as well as all ESA member states.
Published: 19 January 1999
ESA has issued the first 'Announcement of Opportunity' for observations to be performed with the X-ray Multi-mirror satellite (XMM), for the period May 2000 to May 2002. Proposers from all over the world are welcome to make proposals. The closing date is 17 April 1999.
Published: 18 January 1999
The post-Christmas winner of our Rosetta children's picture competitionis Elodie Berthet, aged seven, from Onex, Switzerland. Ourpre-Christmas winner was Lisa Mackay, aged 9, from The Netherlands.
Published: 14 January 1999
Cluster II has successfully passed the Mission Validation Review which washeld at ESTEC in The Netherlands on 8 December 1998. No major problems or 'show stoppers' were identified.
Published: 12 January 1999
The Japanese/US X-ray astronomy mission ASCA was launched in 1993.Its advanced detectors continue to provide high resolution spectra ofmany classes of astronomical objects.The long list of ASCA discoveriesinclude the detection of broad, heavily distorted, iron linesfrom some Active Galactic Nuclei. These red-shifted lines providedirect evidence for the presence of massive black holes at thecenters of these galaxies.
Published: 11 January 1999
The third inflight checkout of the Huygens Probe was successfully completed over the Christmas period. All systems and experiments performed as expected. Huygens can now sleep on for the next 8.5 months, until its next wake up call in mid-September 1999. Checking of the Cassini's spacecraft continues throughout the month of January.
Published: 11 January 1999
The EPIC PN camera has been repaired and re-installed on the Focal Plana assembly at Dornier.Thermal vacuum testing on the lower half of the XMM spacecraft continuesin the test facilities at ESTEC, Noordwijk.
Published: 10 January 1999
The spacecraft design phase (Phase B) started with Matra-Marconi Space, France, on Thursday 7 January.
Published: 7 January 1999
The thermal vacuum test on the lower half of the XMM spacecraft started early in the morning of Tuesday 5 January and continues throughout the next ten days.
Published: 5 January 1999
The European Space Agency investigates two technologies to choose the main eye of its next infrared space telescope, FIRST.
Published: 4 January 1999
At 17:49 UTC on 21 December, the SOHO Spacecraft went intoEmergencySun Reacquisition (ESR). Following a successful gyro calibrationmanoeuvre,prior to a planned orbit correction and momentum wheel managementactivities,the last of SOHO's gyros (Gyro B) failed to give the expected output.This occurred during transition from normal mode to momentum dumping mode,and resulted in the spacecraft transitioning into ESR-10.
Published: 21 December 1998
The third Huygens in-flight check-out (F3) started on-board the Probe at 22:20 UTC on 21 December 1998 and was completed at 02:35 UTC, 22 December.
Published: 21 December 1998
The next checkout of the ESA Huygens Probe is scheduled to take place early tomorrow morning, 22 December. It lasts four hours and will be completed at 02:35 UTC.The data produced will be stored on board Cassini and transmitted back to Earth on 28 December.
Published: 20 December 1998
The fifth large MUSICOS (Multi-site continuous spectroscopy) campaign has just finished, lasting from 20 November to 14 December 1998. It involved 13 telescopes mostly equipped with cross-dispersedechelle spectrographs in Haute Provence, Pic du Midi, La Palma, SouthAfrica, ESO La Silla, Brazil, Kitt Peak, Xinglong, Mt Stromlo, Catania,Caucasus SAO. The campaign was coordinated daily by B.H. Foing and J. Oliveira (Space Science Department of ESA).Although some sites suffered snow and winds, the overall coverage was successful. S. Orlando (SSD) observed from Xinlong observatory near Beijing in Siberian winter, with temperatures of -15 deg.!
Published: 20 December 1998
In offering my best wishes to all visitors to the ESA Science web site, I recall some memorable events of 1998:
Published: 20 December 1998
The pre-Christmas winner of our Rosetta drawing competition is Lisa MacKay, aged 9, from the British School in the Netherlands.We are so enjoying seeing all your drawings that we have extended the deadline until 6 January. So kids - keep those pictures coming in.
Published: 17 December 1998
Preparations for the dual Soyuz launch of the four Cluster IIspacecraft have advanced during the past few weeks. During a recentvisit to Moscow, a high level team of ESA officials, led by ESA's Head of Scientific Projects,John Credland, received an update from their Russian partners on howthe launch vehicle was progressing.
Published: 16 December 1998
15-Feb-2025 07:42 UT

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