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News archive

Data collected by the NICMOS instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope have led to the discovery of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of the exoplanet HD 189733b, adding to previous detections of water and methane
Published: 9 December 2008
A recent study provides new insight into the cause of periodic substorms in Earth's magnetosphere by comparing data of these energetic events with data obtained in Jupiter's magnetosphere of similar events
Published: 5 December 2008
A recent study combining data from the VMC and the VIRTIS instruments on board Venus Express sheds light on the atmospheric conditions that are responsible for the characteristic ultraviolet features in the Venusian cloud deck
Published: 3 December 2008
The Science Programme received a positive outcome from the recent Council Meeting at Ministerial Level, being granted an increase of 3.5% per annum for the period 2009-2013.
Published: 28 November 2008
The Herschel and Planck ground segments have successfully passed another milestone on the path to launch.
Published: 27 November 2008
Two of our Galaxy's most massive stars have been scrutinised in an impressive view by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The new image shows them in greater detail than ever before.
Published: 24 November 2008
Wednesday 19 November Cassini flies by Titan at a minimum distance of 1023 km from the surface around which time the VIMS instrument will make its highest resolution images to date of the Huygens probe's landing site. Before and after closest approach the UVIS instrument will perform stellar occultation observations to study Titan's atmosphere...
Published: 18 November 2008
A stunning sapphire and gold casket is the latest addition to the LISA Pathfinder flight hardware collection.
Published: 18 November 2008
A recent model of the emission from ultra-magnetized neutron stars (magnetars) shows great promise in offering a unified view of the high energy emission from these objects.
Published: 14 November 2008
The Hubble Space Telescope has made the first direct observation of an exoplanet at optical wavelenghts orbiting the star Fomalhaut at a distance of about 115 AU, about 25 light years from Earth
Published: 13 November 2008
On 3 November 2008 the Cassini spacecraft performed its second Titan fly-by of the extended mission, coming to within 1100 km from the surface of the largest Saturnian moon. The main science objective of this fly-by was to perform bistatic radio observations of teh surface and radio occultation observations of the atmosphere.
Published: 6 November 2008
European companies and institutes active in the space sector are invited to attend an Industry Space Day during which the programme of work for the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Technology Plan will be presented. This Industry Space Day takes place on 21 November 2008 at the European Space Research and Technology Centre, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Published: 4 November 2008
Ulysses has forever changed the way scientists view the Sun and its effect on the surrounding space. In the November 2008 issue of the ESA Bulletin Richard Marsden and Nigel Angold consider the epic voyage of this remarkable spacecraft.
Published: 31 October 2008
After overcoming several difficulties Hubble is back on line again and the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) has successfully resumed operations, demonstrated with this image of the interacting galaxy pair Arp 147
Published: 30 October 2008
On 31 October the Cassini spacecraft will again perform a close fly-by of the saturnian moon Enceladus, passing over the south polar region with its enigmatic geysers and surface hotspots to perform high resolution imaging of the tectonic features.
Published: 29 October 2008
A team of astronomers led by Eric Michel has unambiguously detected solar-like oscillations in three main sequence F stars using data collected with the CNES/ESA CoRoT spacecraft
Published: 24 October 2008
XMM-Newton, ESA's X-ray observatory, has reestablished communication contact with Earth, showing that the spacecraft is safe and fully under control. The news was confirmed this morning by the mission control team at ESA's European Space Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt, Germany.
Published: 23 October 2008
During last weekend ESA lost contact with its XMM-Newton X-ray observatory. Many space agencies and organisations are now joining forces trying to fix the problem: a feeble radio signal has been heard, and ground-based observations confirm that the spacecraft is intact.
Published: 22 October 2008
Highlights from the recent First Joint Cluster-THEMIS workshop, held at the University of New Hampshire, 23-26 September, are presented in a series of summary articles
Published: 17 October 2008
The series of orbit correction manoeuvres designed to lower the pericentre altitude of the Venus Express orbit have been successfully completed, with the spacecraft reaching the lowest pericentre altitude since the start of the mission: a mere 185 km above the planet's surface.
Published: 14 October 2008
11-Feb-2025 15:51 UT

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