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About the SMART-1 science archive

About the SMART-1 science archive

The SMART -1 science archive - accessible via the Planetary Science Archive (PSA) pages at - contains raw and calibrated data sets from the science instruments of the SMART-1 mission, formatted and structured according to the Planetary Data System standard.

The data sets that are available (see the table below for a summary) have been calibrated and collated by the SMART-1 project, and are accompanied by extensive documentation describing data acquisition and calibration, along with supplementary material describing the instruments and their scientific objectives.

Summary of SMART-1 science archive full data release
Instrument Data type Data format Coverage
AMIE Raw & calibrated Image Complete mission
SIR Raw ASCII tables (FITS) Complete mission
D-CIXS Raw ASCII tables Complete mission
XSM Raw Binary tables (FITS) Complete mission
SPEDE Raw & calibrated ASCII tables Complete mission


The Planetary Science Archive

The Planetary Science Archive is the official, long-term archive for data produced by ESA's planetary missions. The PSA provides reviewed and validated data products to the scientific community via a single interface and using a method independent of the instrument or mission. All of the data products adhere to the Planetary Data System (PDS) standards. As a result, the worldwide scientific community can work with a well-known standard. Once the proprietary period for the principal investigators has passed the data is prepared, reviewed and ingested into the PSA.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
26-Mar-2025 00:49 UT

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