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SMART-1 Presentations

SMART-1 Presentations


2nd European Planetary Science Congress      
Conference Details
Authors: B. H. Foing et al.
Title: SMART-1 Lunar Highlights
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Workshop on Lunar Crater Observing and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) Site Selection
Workshop Details
Identifier: #9009
Authors: B. H. Foing et al.
Title: SMART-1 impact campaign: predictions, observations, LCROSS implications
Download: Entry in programme
Identifier: #9010
Authors: B. H. Foing et al.
Title: SMART-1 implications for LCROSS: Operations and Lunar Science Results
Download: Entry in programme

57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain    
Conference Details
Identifier: IAC Late Breaking News 2
Authors: Bernard Foing, Pascale Ehrenfreund et al.
Title: SMART-1 highlights and impact
Identifier: IAC-06-B5.3.08
Authors: Octavio Camino et al.
Title: Smart-1 Operations Experience and Lessons Learnt
Identifier: IAC-06-A3.6.06
Authors: Jurriaan De Bruin et al.
Title: SMART-1 lunar mission: from capture to impact
Identifier: IAC-06-A5.P.07
Authors: Bernard Foing et al.
Title: SMART-1 Lunar First Year Highlights
Identifier: IAC-06-A5.P.07
Authors: Bernard Foing et al.
Title: ESA's SMART-1 Mission at the Moon: Highlights of results
Identifier: IAC-06-A5.1.08
Authors: Bernard Foing et al.
Title: Roadmap for Robotic and Human Exploration of the Moon and beyond

Europlanet European Planetary Science Congress, Berlin
Conference Details
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00653
Authors: Foing, B.H.; SMART-1 Science and Technology Working Team & SMART
Title: Highlights of SMART-1 Lunar Science results (solicited)
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00718
Authors: Josset, J.L.; et al.
Title: SMART-1 AMIE lunar results (solicited)
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00719
Authors: Grande, M.; Kellett, B.; D-CIXS team
Title: SMART-1 DCIXS lunar results (solicited)
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00136
Authors: Goossens, S.; Matsumoto, K.; Kikuchi, F.; Sasaki, S.; Ping, J.
Title: Incorporating SMART-1 Tracking Data into Lunar Gravity Field Determination
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00649
Authors: Mall, U.; Nathues, A.; Keller, H.U.; Vilenius, E.; Kaydash, V.; SIR collaboration
Title: The near-infrared spectrometer SIR and SIR-2 on SMART-1 and Chandrayaan-1
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00720
Authors: Khodachenko, M.
Title: N3 support activities for SMART-1
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00655
Authors: Foing, B.H.; Ehrenfreund, P.; Koschny, D.; Frew, D. ; SMART-1 impact campaign team
Title: SMART-1 Moon impact on 3 Sept 2006: predictions and observation campaign
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00347
Authors: Ortiz, J. L.; Llorca, J. ; Foing, B. H.; Koschny, D. ; Trigo-Rodriguez, J. M.; Lopez-Moreno, J. J.; Aceituno, F. J.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Morales, N.; Moreno, F.
Title: Analysis of the SMART-1 impact flash as seen from several observatories in Spain
Identifier: ORAL EPSC2006-A-00454
Authors: Gurvits, L.I.; Smart-1 radio tracking team
Title: Radio tracking of Smart-1 with European radio telescopes
Identifier: POSTER EPSC2006-A-00139
Authors: Vilenius, E.; Mall, U.; Kaydash, V.
Title: In-flight calibration of SIR near infrared spectrometer onboard SMART-1
Identifier: POSTER EPSC2006-A-00558
Authors: Kaydash, V.; Mall, U.; Vilenius, E.; Collaboration, SIR
Title: Estimating the spectral slope of the lunar Reiner Gamma swirl feature using measurements made by the SMART-1 near-infrared spectrometer SIR

ESOC press conference

SMART-1 impact event, ESOC, Germany

PPARC/ESA media briefing on SMART-1
Authors: B.H. Foing, M. Grande et al.

Prague, IAU International Astronomical Union
Conference Details
Identifier: Joint discussion JD10 on Planetary exploration
Authors: B.H. Foing et al.
Title: SMART-1 results

8th ILEWG International Conference on Exploration and Utilization of the Moon, Beijing, China
Conference Details
Authors: B. H. Foing*, ILEWG (Netherlands)
Title: 119_ILEWG Roadmap for Robotic and Human Exploration of the Moon and Beyond
Authors: B.H. Foing*, D. Frew, M. Almeida, etc. (Netherlands)
Title: 120_SMART-1 Mission Operations and Lunar Results
Authors: M. Grande, B.J. Kellett, the D-CIXS Team (UK)
Title: 324_First Lunar results of the D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer
Authors: J.L. Josset et al (CH)
Title: 109_Sunlight Incidence At "Malapert Mountain": Preliminary Results of SMART-1 Mission

36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Conference Details
Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-03720;  B0.1-0018-06
Authors: Foing, B.H.; SMART-1 team
Title: Highlights of SMART-1 Lunar Mission

Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-03721;  B0.1-0020-06
Authors: Foing, B.H.; SMART-1 team
Title: Highlights of SMART-1 Lunar Science Results

Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-03111;  B0.1-0021-06
Authors: Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S.; The AMIE team
Title: AMIE Camera System on board SMART-1

Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-03141;  B0.1-0022-06
Authors: Josset, J.L.; Beauvivre, S.; The AMIE science team
Title: AMIE/SMART-1 Moon North and South Poles First Results
Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-03207;  B0.1-0023-06
Authors: Grande, M; Kellett, B J; The D-CIXS Team
Title: First Lunar results of the D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer (solicited)
Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-02823;  B0.1-0024-06
Authors: Keller, H.U.; Mall, U.; Nathues, A.
Title: SIR - a NIR spectrometer for studying the Lunar mineralogy
Identifier: ORAL COSPAR2006-A-03723;  B0.1-0025-06; Room 307-308
Authors: Foing, B.H.; SMART-1 impact campaign team
Title: SMART-1 Moon impact around 2-3 Sept 2006: predictions and observation campaign

Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, Texas
Conference Details
Identifier: Special session on 15 March
Authors: B.H. Foing & SMART-1 teams
Title: SMART-1 update and impact campaign
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SPC meeting in Paris                      
Authors: B.H. Foing et al.
Title: SMART-1 status and mission extension
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General presentation: Mission Status                       
Authors: B.H. Foing et al.
Title: An overview on the current status of the SMART-1 mission
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1st General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union
Conference Details
Authors: B.H. Foing et al.
Title: Status of ESA's SMART-1 Mission to the Moon
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SMART-1 Media Day                                  
Event Details
Authors:       On the day, several presentations were given by: Bernard Foing, Eike Kircher, Guiseppe Racca, Giorgio Saccoccia, Sven Grahn and Peter Rathsman
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4th International Conference on the Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon
Conference Details
Authors: The conference was set up to discuss the prospects for lunar exploration, development and utilisation, with numerous presentations given.
Download: Presentation abstracts

Last Update: 1 September 2019
26-Mar-2025 00:59 UT

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