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SOHO recovery continues

SOHO recovery continues

30 November 1999

Recovery of the SOHO spacecraft to normal science operations is proceeding with maneuvres to compensate for stay of about 21 hours in ESR mode, which perturbed the angularmomentum, orbit and roll of the spacecraft.

Yesterday, 30 November, SOHO was returned to its nominal roll position and pointing, and the solid state recorder (SSR) was turned on overnight before the scheduled gap in Deep Space Network (DSN) contact.

Planned recovery activities for today are several momentum management and station keeping segments (orbit trims) to return SOHO to its nominal configuration. Fuel consumption for today is estimated to be around 800 grams.

The spacecraft will be returned to Normal Mode at the end of the day, and instrument recovery operations are scheduled for 2 and 3 December.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
2-Dec-2024 20:11 UT

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