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The ESA-NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is celebrating its twenty-fifth launch anniversary.

Published: 2 December 2020

Currently crossing the skies above Earth, Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN) has the potential to become a more prominent naked eye object by late May or early June. Yet it wasn't discovered by someone looking up at the night sky.

Published: 13 May 2020
The outermost part of our planet's atmosphere extends well beyond the lunar orbit – almost twice the distance to the Moon.
Published: 20 February 2019
Scientists using the ESA/NASA SOHO solar observatory have found long-sought gravity modes of seismic vibration that imply the Sun's core is rotating four times faster than its surface.
Published: 1 August 2017
Originally planned for a two-year mission, the ESA–NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, is today celebrating two decades of scientific discovery.
Published: 2 December 2015
It may have been designed to probe and monitor the Sun, but the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) has also found fame as a comet finder. A record-breaking 2890 comets have been discovered with SOHO since its launch in 1995, more than any other comet hunter in history!
Published: 4 March 2015
A new analysis of data from the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft has revealed that comet 2012/S1 (ISON) stopped producing dust and gas shortly before it raced past the Sun and disintegrated.
Published: 16 July 2014
ESA has released interactive, open-source software that gives both scientists and the public an unprecedented insight into the ever-changing face of the Sun.
Published: 14 December 2010
Data from the SOHO and GOES spacecraft have enabled a team of European scientists to shed new light on the role of solar flares in the total output of radiation from the Sun. Their surprising conclusion: X-rays account for only about 1% of the total energy emitted by these explosive events.
Published: 12 October 2010
The EIT camera on board SOHO has transmitted a picture of the solar corona every 12 minutes for almost 15 years - after a remarkable career it is now time for a change in pace.
Published: 21 September 2010
Access to data from the ESA-NASA SOHO mission has just become easier with the launch of a new SOHO science archive with enhanced capabilities for searching and visualising the vast SOHO data archive.
Published: 23 November 2009

Data from the VIRGO instrument on SOHO have been used to show that solar flares drive global oscillations in the Sun. This confirms a prediction made more than 30 years ago.
Published: 17 April 2008
Having passed its perihelion on 12 January, Comet C/2006 P1 (McNaught) is the brightest comet ever observed by SOHO and indeed the brightest comet in the sky in the past 40 years
Published: 16 January 2007
With the Sun's activity currently at a minimum, SOHO may have observed the first sign of the new solar cycle in the form of an active region with reversed magnetic polarity.
Published: 30 August 2006
The Science Programme Committee has approved the extension of the SOHO mission by more than two years, allowing the spacecraft to further extend its successful observations of the Sun.
Published: 24 May 2006
On 2 December 1995 the joint ESA-NASA SOHO mission was launched. In the following 10 years SOHO has monitored the Sun almost continuously throughout the current solar cycle.
Published: 2 December 2005

Based on observations by the ESA/NASA SOHO mission a Chinese-German team of scientists have identified the magnetic structures in the solar corona where the fast solar wind originates.
Published: 22 April 2005
Measurements by the SWAN instrument onboard SOHO, have shown that the heliosphere, the solar wind filled volume which prevents the solar system from getting embedded in the local (ambient) interstellar medium is not axi-symmetrical, but is distorted, very likely under the effect of the local galactic magnetic field.
Published: 14 March 2005
Although not originally designed for this purpose, SOHO has become the most prolific discoverer of comets in the history of astronomy.
Published: 26 January 2005
From 26 December 2003 to 7 January 2004 the SOHO spacecraft went through a period known as a "Keyhole". For SOHO, now into its ninth year of operations, this is a relatively new event, and a direct result of the difficulties experienced with the High Gain Antenna (HGA) during the summer of 2003.
Published: 9 January 2004
25-Mar-2025 18:52 UT

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