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Far-side pictures: stills and movies

Far-side pictures: stills and movies

Stills and movies




SOHO's SWAN instrument sees ultraviolet rays sweeping like a lighthouse beam across interplanetary gas beyond the Sun

Medium jpg (25 kb)
Large jpg
(249 kb)
High Res tif
(6,102 kb)



Ultraviolet glow in gas beyond the Sun (12 April 2001) as seen by SWAN on SOHO

Medium gif (53 kb)
High Res gif
(96 kb)
Animated gif
for 6 April 2001 to 21 April 2001



MDI spots a developing active region on the far side of the Sun

Medium gif (119 kb)
High Res tif
(3,655 kb)

(Note: This is a sequence of 5 images depicting the active region on the far- and near-sides of the Sun. The thumbnail depicts only one image of the sequence)




MDI tracks developing active regions across the near- and far-side of the Sun

Animated sequence of MDI images depicting active regions as they traverse the near- and far-side of the Sun. This sequence covers the period 1 March to 24 April 2001. (Mpeg 533 kb)



MDI tracks developing active regions across the near- and far-side of the Sun

Animated sequence of MDI images depicting active regions as they traverse the near- and far-side of the Sun. This sequence covers the period 1 March to 24 April 2001. (Quicktime 564 kb)

Last update: 26 April 2001
Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 03:13 UT

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