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Industrial involvement in the Philae Lander

Industrial involvement in the Philae Lander

Rosetta's Philae lander is provided by a consortium led by DLR, MPS, CNES and ASI.

The industrial involvement in the Rosetta Orbiter and the mission's ground segment is detailed on a separate dedicated page.

Philae Lander


Contractor Contracted Item
Institut für Weltraumforschung Philae Lander Anchor design and testing (jointly with MPE, Germany, where the hardware was built); Two sensors (ANC-M and ANC-T) within the MUPUS experiment (both sensors are integrated into the anchor tips).



Contractor Contracted Item
Finnish Meteorological Institute Mass Memory of the Command, Data and Management System (CDMS); Permittivity Probe (PP) as part of the SESAME consortium



Contractor Contracted Item
CNES Overall lander architecture and mission analysis; procurement of radio communications units and battery assembly; procurement of CONSERT instrument, procurement of CIVA instrument; procurement of COSAC instrument parts (tanks and chromatography columns); overall engineering and development/operation of the Scientific Operation & Navigation Centre in Toulouse



Contractor Contracted Item
DLR Overall Lander project management, Lander level product assurance; System, mechanical, electrical and thermal engineering; Coordination of system Assembly, Integration and Verification (AIV) activities; Delivery of Lander structure, thermal subsystem, flywheel and the Active Descent System (cold gas thruster); The ROLIS instrument; The SESAME-CASSE instrument; Operation of the Lander Control Centre (at MUSC, Cologne); Operation of the Lander Ground Reference Model; Procurement and operation of the Lander Software Simulator.

Participating institutes:
Institute for Space Simulation, Cologne
Institute for Structural Mechanics, Braunschweig
Institute for Planetary Exploration and Sensor Technology, Berlin.

University of Münster Participation in the MUPUS instrument
University of Braunschweig Participation in the ROMAP instrument
Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung

Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik
Coordination and optimisation of payload; Payload engineering; Assembly and integration activities for all Lander models; Eject mechanism; Landing gear; Anchoring harpoon (design and testing was done jointly with IFW, Austria); Command and Data and Management System, Power Control System; Common Electronics Box; COSAC instrument, APXS instrument.



Contractor Contracted Item
BUTE-SRG Design, assembly and testing of Power Conditioning and Distribution Subsystem (PSS); PSS electrical ground support equipment
KFKI AEKI SPM instrument; Calibrating and testing of SPM and ROMAP.
DIM instrument; Calibrating and testing of DIM and SESAME.
DIM ground support equipment
KFKI RMKI Central data and command interface (CIU) for the Command and Data and Management System (CDMS); CDMS flight software; CDMS electrical ground support equipment
SGF Technology Associates Ltd. Command and Data and Management System (CDMS); CDMS flight software



Contractor Contracted Item
Space Technology Ireland, Ltd. Electrical Support System Processor Unit for the Philae Lander



Contractor Contracted Item
ASI Co-Project manager, delivery of SD2 instrument, delivery of Photo Voltaic Assembly, participant in Lander Steering Committee
Tecnospazio SpA SD2 instrument
Galileo Avionica SpA Photo Voltaic Assembly


   United Kingdom

Contractor Contracted Item
Open University Ptolemy instrument
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Ptolemy instrument; Thermal design of Philae Lander; Thermal blankets of Philae Lander
Surrey Satellites Technology Ltd. Momentum wheel


Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 12:24 UT

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