Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for the period 6 to 14 June 2011This report covers nine days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were the spin-up of the spacecraft and entry into deep-space hibernation mode. The spacecraft will remain in this state until 20 January 2014 when the hibernation exit sequence will be initiated. The next Rosetta status report...
Published: 30 June 2011
Report for the period 16 May to 5 June 2011This report covers 21 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were devoted to preparing the spacecraft for the deep-space hibernation phase.
Published: 22 June 2011
Report for the period 18 April to 15 May 2011This report covers 28 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were further preparations for the deep space hibernation phase.
Published: 31 May 2011
Report for the period 24 March to 17 April 2011This report covers 25 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were the downlinking of images acquired by OSIRIS and the navigation cameras during the previous reporting period and an abbreviated test of the solar arrays.
Published: 5 May 2011
Report for the period 5 to 28 March 2011This report covers 24 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were the preparation of instruments for the hibernation phase, imaging the target comet and approach-phase sky with OSIRIS and the navigation cameras, and characterisation of the spacecraft's inertia properties and the Sun...
Published: 15 April 2011
Report for the period 19 February to 4 March 2011This report covers 14 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were delta differential one-way ranging (DDOR) to determine the outcome of the burns performed during the previous reporting periods as part of the first rendezvous manoeuvre (RDVM#1) and reconfiguration of the...
Published: 21 March 2011
Report for the period 12 to 18 February 2011This report covers seven days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were a download performance test of the S-band high-gain antenna, a test of solar array performance at four AU from the Sun, delta differential one-way ranging (DDOR) and a trim burn performed as part of the first...
Published: 4 March 2011
Report for the period 25 January to 11 February 2011This report covers 18 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were delta differential one-way ranging (DDOR) to determine the outcome of the burns performed during the previous reporting period as part of the first rendezvous manoeuvre (RDVM#1), and an attempt to perform the...
Published: 18 February 2011
Report for the period 17 to 24 January 2011This report covers 8 days of Rosetta mission operations. During the reporting period about 98 per cent of the first rendezvous manoeuvre (RDVM#1, total DV ~ 780 ms-1) was completed with a sequence of six burns.
Published: 31 January 2011
Report for the period 18 December 2010 to 16 January 2011This report covers 30 days of Rosetta mission operations. The spacecraft has been fully configured for the execution of the first rendezvous manoeuvre, planned to start on 17 January.
Published: 21 January 2011
Report for the period 27 November to 17 December 2010This report covers 21 days of Rosetta mission operations. The final payload checkout before the hibernation phase was successfully conducted during the reporting period; all the activities were conducted according to plan and only minor actions remain to be performed in the coming months.
Published: 23 December 2010
Report for the period 15 to 26 November 2010This report covers 12 days of Rosetta mission operations. During the reporting period, the final RF test for the entry into deep-space hibernation mode (DSHM) was successfully conducted, confirming the capability of the ground segment to command the hibernation entry with back-up options.
Published: 3 December 2010
Report for the period 23 October to 14 November 2010This report covers 23 days of Rosetta mission operations. During the reporting period the spacecraft has moved out of solar conjunction and is now configured in active cruise mode in preparation of the final payload checkout and the first rendezvous manoeuvre. The NASA Deep Space Network (DSN)...
Published: 19 November 2010
Report for the period 25 September to 22 October 2010This report covers 28 days of Rosetta mission operations. During the reporting period, the spacecraft has been going through a superior solar conjunction, which will end on 31 October. During this phase, the spacecraft was configured in active cruise mode, but with very limited ground station...
Published: 29 October 2010
Report for the period 28 August to 24 September 2010This report covers 28 days of Rosetta mission operations. On 3 September, the performance of the solar arrays was tested by tilting them with respect to the Sun direction, simulating deep-space conditions. Data have been acquired and are being processed; a preliminary analysis indicates that...
Published: 1 October 2010
Report for the period 31 July to 27 August 2010.This report covers 28 days of Rosetta operations. During the reporting period the spacecraft remained configured in active cruise mode in preparation for the new test and validation campaign required for the deep space phase of the mission. The main activities were the high-gain antenna (HGA)...
Published: 3 September 2010
Report for the period 11 July to 30 July 2010This report covers 20 days of Rosetta mission operations. Payload operations associated with the flyby of asteroid Lutetia were completed on 11 July and the last three weeks have been mainly dedicated to downlinking the large volume of science data acquired. All the data have now been downlinked. The...
Published: 3 August 2010
Report for Period 5 July to 10 July 2010On 10 July 2010 (DOY 191) at 15:44:57 UTC, Rosetta successfully flew past asteroid (21) Lutetia at a distance of 3160 km and with a relative speed of 15 km/s. The spectacular flyby manoeuvre was conducted as planned with the spacecraft autonomously tracking the asteroid. A large subset of the payload...
Published: 14 July 2010
Report for Period 28 June to 4 July 2010This report covers one week of Rosetta mission operations, which was fully dedicated to the refinement of the orbit determination in view of Rosetta's flyby of asteroid (21) Lutetia on 10 July 2010. Radiometric data and optical images are regularly processed to assess the spacecraft's trajectory relative...
Published: 7 July 2010
Report for Period 21 June to 27 June 2010This report covers one week of Rosetta mission operations. The navigation campaign for the upcoming flyby of asteroid Lutetia on 10 July 2010 is ongoing. Radiometric data and optical images are regularly processed to assess the spacecraft's trajectory relative to that of the asteroid.
Published: 1 July 2010
14-Feb-2025 15:31 UT

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