Huygens AGC test extended report available
15 July 1998
A more detailed report on the Huygens Automatic Gain Control (AGC) testis now available. The results of the test confirm that the Huygens Probehardware is in good health and that the depressed AGC values detectedduring the first two in-flight checkouts were the result of solar noise.The Huygens off-Sun AGC calibration test was successfully carried out on 28 May at 22:04 UTC. The test lasted 33 minutes, including the two manoeuvres required to point Cassini's high-gain antenna (HGA) 12 deg away from the Sun and back. The purpose of the test was to calibrate the AGC level of the Huygens receivers in a radio-noise free environment.
The next Huygens in-flight checkout is planned for 22 December 1998.
Last Update: 1 September 2019