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Mission Team

Mission Team

The Cassini-Huygens venture is a masterpiece of collaboration, uniting the space agencies, NASA, ESA, and ASI, and scientists and engineers on both sides of the Atlantic.

To the Orbiter, built in the USA, ASI (the Italian Space Agency) contributed telecommunications equipment.

A Europe-wide industrial team constructed the Huygens probe. 

European scientists lead two experiments on NASA's Orbiter, and participate in all of them. Conversely, US-led teams supplied two instrument packages on ESA's Huygens, Probe and American scientists contributed to three others.


The Cassini-Huygens Mission Team
Gerhard Schwehm ESA Mission Manager
Nicolas Altobelli ESA Project Scientist
Earl Maize NASA Programme Manager
Linda J. Spilker NASA Project Scientist
Amanda R. Hendrix NASA Deputy Project Scientist
Nora K. Alonge NASA Project Science System Engineer
Jeffrey N. Cuzzi
Tamas I. Gombosi
Jonathan Lunine
Tobias C. Owen
Laurence A. Soderblom
Darrell Strobel
US Interdisciplinary Scientists
Michel Blanc
Daniel Gautier
Francois Raulin
International Interdisciplinary Scientists


Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS)
Principal Investigator Dave Young
US Co-Investigators Scott J. Bolton
James L. Burch
Frank Crary
Raymond Goldstein
Thomas W. Hill
Robert E. Johnson
David J. McComas
Edward C. Sittler Jr.
Michelle Thomsen
International Co-Investigators Jean-Jacques Berthelier
Michel Blanc
Andrew J. Coates
Manuel Grande
Knut R. Svenes
Karoly Szego


Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA)
Principal Investigator Ralf Srama
US Co-Investigators Siegfried Auer
Thomas Economou
Torrence V. Johnson
Mihaly Horanyi
International Co-Investigators Nicolas Altobelli
H. Fechtig
M. Grande
Eberhard Gruen
Ove Havnes
Sascha Kempf
Eduard Igenbergs
Elmar Jessberger
H. Krüger
Phillipe Lamy
Franz Lura
J. Anthony M. McDonnell
Dietrich Möhlmann
Gregor E. Morfill
Ernst Pernicka
Frank Postberg
Juergen Schmidt
Gerhard Schwehm
F. Spahn
Jiri Svestka
Richard Wasch


Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS)
Principal Investigator Mike Flasar
US Co-Investigators Mian M. Abbas
R. Achterberg
Gordon L. Bjoraker
John C. Brasunas
Barney J. Conrath
Peter J. Gierasch
Donald E. Jennings
Virgil G. Kunde (original PI)
Glenn S. Orton
Conor Nixon
Tobias Owen
John C. Pearl
Paul N. Romani
Mark Showalter
A. A. Simon-Miller
Linda Spilker
John Spencer
International Co-Investigators Peter A. R. Ade
M. Antonella Barucci
Bruno Bezard
Simon B. Calcutt
Regis Denis Courtin
Athena Coustenis
Cecile Ferrari
Thierry Fouchet
Daniel Gautier
P. Irwin
Emmanuel Lellouch
Andre Marten
Renee Prange
Francois Raulin
Peter L. Read
Fredrick Taylor


Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS)
Principal Investigator Hunter Waite
US Co-Investigators Thomas E. Cravens
Janet G. Luhmann
Ralph L. McNutt Jr.
Hasso Niemann
Roger V. Yelle
International Co-Investigators Wing-Huen Ip


Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS)
Team Leader Carolyn Porco
US Team Members Joseph Burns
Anthony Del Genio
H. Luke Dones
Andrew Ingersoll
Torrence Johnson
Alfred McEwen
Steven Squyres
Peter Thomas
Joseph Veverka
Robert West
International Team Members Andre Brahic
Carl Murray
Gerhard Neukum


Magnetometer (MAG)
Principal Investigator Michele Dougherty
US Co-Investigators Christopher T. Russell
Edward J. Smith
David Southwood
International Co-Investigators Andre Balogh
Stanley W.H. Cowley
Geza Erdos
Karl-Heinz W. Glassmeier
Krishan Khurana
Fritz M. Neubauer


Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI)
Principal Investigator Stamatios Krimigis
US Co-Investigators Thomas P. Armstrong
James Carbary
Douglas C. Hamilton
Barry H. Mauk
Donald G. Mitchell
Edmond C. Roelof
Chris Paranicas
International Co-Investigators Denis Alcayde
Jean-Michel Bosqued
Ioannis Jean Dandouras
Wing-Huen Ip
Norbert Krupp
Andreas Lagg
Stefano Livi
Henri Reme
Jean-Andre Sauvaud


Cassini Radar (RADAR)
Team Leader Charles Elachi
Acting Team Leader Steve Wall
US Team Members Michael Allison
Charles Elachi
Michael A. Janssen
Randolph L. Kirk
Ralph D. Lorenz
Jonathan Lunine
Larry Soderblom
Charles Wood
Howard Zebker
International Team Members Pierre J. Encrenaz
Giorgio Franceschetti
Giovani Picardi
Francesco Posa
Roberto Seu
Sergio Vetrella


Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS)
Principal Investigator Don Gurnett
US Co-Investigators George B. Hospodarsky
William M. Farrell
Michael L. Kaiser
William S. Kurth
Robert J. MacDowall
J. Douglas Menietti
Ann M. Persoon
International Co-Investigators Hugo Alleyne
Rolf Bostrom
Patrick Canu
Baptiste Cecconi
Nicole Cornilleau-Wehrlin
Georg Fischer
Christopher C. Harvey
Patrick Galopeau
Georg Gustafsson
Laruent Lamy
Alain Lecacheux
Philippe Louarn
Michiko Morooka
Ronan Modolo
Arne Pedersen
Alain Roux
Helmut O. Rucker
Jan-Erik Wahlund
Philippe Zarka


Radio Science (RSS)
Team Leader Richard G. French
US Team Members John W. Armstrong
F. Michael Flasar
Arv Kliore
Essam A. Marouf
Andrew F. Nagy
Nicole J. Rappaport
International Team Members Roberto Ambrosini
Luciano Iess
Paolo Tortora


Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS)
Principal Investigator Larry Esposito
US Co-Investigators Joseph M. Ajello
Charles A. Barth
Joshua E. Colwell
Candice J. Hansen
Amanda R. Hendrix
William E. McClintock
Wayne R. Pryor
Donald E. Shemansky
A. Ian F. Stewart
Robert A. West
Yuk L. Yung
International Co-Investigators H. Uwe Keller
Ralf Reulke


Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS)
Team Leader Bob Brown
US Team Members Kevin H. Baines
Bonnie J. Buratti
Roger Clark
Dale P. Cruikshank
Dennis L. Matson
Thomas McCord
Robert Nelson
Philip D. Nicholson
International Team Members Giancarlo Bellucci
Jean-Pierre Bibring


Last Update: 1 September 2019
3-Mar-2025 06:38 UT

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