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Huygens fourth in-flight check-out

Huygens fourth in-flight check-out

15 September 1999

The fourth in-flight check-out of the Huygens Probe was successfully completed on 15 September 1999, as planned. All sub-systems and experiments performed as expected. Huygens can now sleep until the next wake-up call in early February 2000.

The fourth check-out of ESAs Huygens Probe began on 14 September 1999 at 23:02 UTC and was completed on15 September at 02:49 UTC. The check-out occurred while the Cassini Spacecraft was in contact with NASAs Madrid Deep Space Network ground station through its High-Gain Antenna, which allowed the ground controllers at ESOC, Darmstadt, to receive the telemetry in real time through JPL.

A preliminary evaluation of the data was performed by the Huygens Flight Operations Team at ESOC, with the support of the Huygens industrial prime contractor Alcatel. All Huygens sub-systems performed as expected. The payload data has been delivered to the six payload teams for detailed evaluation.

An extended report will be posted when the evaluation of the data has been completed.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 04:49 UT

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