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Third Mars Express Data Workshop - MARSIS & MaRS

Third Mars Express Data Workshop - MARSIS & MaRS

Programme and Documentation

The third in a series of ESA Mars Express data workshops was held 9 to 11 June 2008 at ESAC, Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain. The workshop focussed on accessing and working with the Mars Express data that is available through the Planetary Science Archive and in particular data from the MARSIS and MaRS instruments.

This page hosts the workshop presentations that are available for download. The complete documentation of this workshop is available to download from the FTP site:

For the complete workshop details see the dedicated pages at

For further information, please contact:

    Olivier Witasse
    European Space Agency
    ESTEC, The Netherlands
    Tel. +31-71-565-8015

Workshop Programme

Monday 9 June 2008 - Radio-science
09:30 Introduction & Workshop description PPT O. Witasse
10:00 Mars Express scientific overview   O. Witasse
10:30 Mars Express archive overview, PDS standard overview and PDS tools PPT D. Heather
11:00 Radio-science experiment: overview PPT M. Pätzold
11:45 Break
12:00 Tutorial: how to derive electron and neutral profiles from the data set [I], [II] M. Pätzold,
S. Tellmann
12:45 Radio-science data products
(radio-occultation only)
[I], [II] M. Pätzold,
S. Tellmann
13:15 Lunch break
14:15 Demo: Radio-science data processing   M. Pätzold,
S. Tellmann
14:45 Retrieving radio-science data using PSA (radio-occultation only)   D. Heather
15:00 HANDS-ON: Data retrieval, vizualiasation of data, comparison with other data sets of interest   M. Pätzold,
S. Tellmann
O. Witasse
16:45 Break
17:00 Discussion, ideas, new collaborations PPT All
18:00 End of day
Tuesday 10 June 2008 - MARSIS
09:30 MARSIS: Overview of the science and measurement objectives PPT Jeff Plaut
10:00 Overview of the Active Ionosphere Sounder data PPT David Morgan
11:00 HANDS-ON: How to access the data products   D. Heather
11:15 Break
11:30 How to extract and derive some of the key science products (plasma frequency, density)   David Morgan
12:30 Hands-on: training with the AIS data and software   David Morgan
13:30 Lunch break
14:30 Hands-on: training with the AIS data and software   David Morgan
15:00 Comparison with other data sets of interest   MARSIS team,
O. Witasse
15:30 Total Electron Content retrieval from MARSIS data PDF A. Safaeinili
16:30 Break
16:45 Discussion, ideas, new collaborations PPT All
17:30 End of day
Wednesday 11 June 2008 - MARSIS
09:30 MARSIS: Overview of the subsurface results PPT Jeff Plaut
10:00 Instrument overview PPT A. Cicchetti
10:30 Ground processing PPT M. Cartacci
11:00 Break
11:15 Subsurface data sets and data products overview PPT R. Noschese
11:45 HANDS-ON: How to access the data products   D. Heather
12:15 HANDS-ON: MARSIS software installation and data visualisation   MARSIS team
13:00 Lunch break
14:30 HANDS-ON: Data analysis / Vanilla software PPT MARSIS team
16:30 break
16:45 Discussion, ideas, new collaborations   All
17:00 Feedback on the workshop   All
17:30 End of workshop

Photos and Participants


Workshop participants, day 1

Workshop participants, day 2

List of Participants


Name Institution
William Nicholson University College London
Eduard Dubinin MPS, Lindau
Markus Fraenz MPS, Lindau
Anne Angsmann MPS, Lindau
Mingyuan Wang MPS, Lindau
Niklas Edberg Univ of Leicester
Felipe Gomez Gomez CAB INTA, Madrid
Cyril Simon ESA ESTEC
Nicolas Manaud ESAC
Jelmer Oosthoek Geological Survey of the Netherlands
Stefanie Musiol Institute of Geosciences, FU Berlin
Thomas Kneissl Institute of Geosciences, FU Berlin
Lorenz Wendt Institute of Geosciences, FU Berlin
Oliver White University College London
Frederic Schmidt ESAC
John W. "Jack" Holt University of Texas Institute for Geophysics
Steve Clifford LPI, USA
Miguel Lopez Valverde IAA, Granada
Gabriella Gilli IAA, Granada
Francisco Gonzalez-Galindo Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, Paris
Jamin greenbaum Institute for Geophysics at the University of Texas at Austin
Duncan Young Institute for Geophysics at the University of Texas at Austin

This list is also available as a PDF file

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