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News archive

Reported in a recent Nature Physics article, Cluster has made the first ever observation in space of a null-null line linking two magnetic reconnection sites, providing a new 3D view on reconnection processes in Earth's magnetosphere
Published: 29 June 2007
Friday 29 June, Cassini performed its latest Titan flyby, coming to within 1932 km of the moon's surface. Some of the observations were set up to search for possible subsurface oceans.
Published: 27 June 2007
Following its manufacture and assembly in Oerlikon Space AG, Zurich, Switzerland, the protoflight structure of the LISA Pathfinder Science Module has been shipped to Astrium UK for testing and integration
Published: 27 June 2007
The gamma-ray emission lines from the beta-decay of the radioactive isotope 60Fe in our Galaxy have been unambiguously detected by the SPI instrument on board INTEGRAL
Published: 25 June 2007
After weeks of manoeuvres in space, Samba and Tango, two of the four Cluster satellites are now flying in formation with a record smallest separation distance of only 17 kilometres
Published: 21 June 2007
ESA, together with a lot of its industrial partners, was present at the 47th Paris Air Show at Le Bourget that took place from 18 to 24 June and saw the signing of several important contracts and agreements for the agency's science missions
Published: 20 June 2007
An overview of the European advance in astronomy and astrophysics that has been made possible by the Hubble Space Telescope was presented at the 41st ESLAB symposium
Published: 18 June 2007
On Wednesday 13 June, Cassini had its latest close encounter with Titan, coming within 975 km of the moon's surface. The flyby trajectory took the spacecraft over the north polar region at closest approach and the flyby geometry provided ideal conditions for study of the moon's upper atmosphere through solar occultation observations
Published: 12 June 2007
At their 118th meeting, the Science Programme Committee has approved the DPAC proposal submitted in response to the AO for Gaia data processing. The approval marks an important milestone for the Gaia mission
Published: 7 June 2007
As of 27 May, the Hinode science archive is publicly accessible, providing the solar physics community with a sophisticated search tool to retrieve the released data from the solar mission in a comprehensive way
Published: 30 May 2007
The sharpest image ever taken of the large grand design spiral galaxy Messier 81 is being released today. The image, constructed from a series of images taken with NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, is among the largest ever released. Messier 81 is one of the brightest galaxies in the sky.
Published: 28 May 2007
On 28 May, Cassini performed its latest close flyby of Titan, passing within 2300 kilometres of the moons surface at closest approach. The geometry of this flyby allowed for occultation observations of Titan's atmosphere and ionosphere using the spacecraft's Radio Science Subsystem.
Published: 25 May 2007
Analysis of observations made with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys have led to the discovery of an unusual distribution of dark matter in a large cluster of galaxies at intermediate redshift
Published: 15 May 2007
Reported in Science, Cassini observations reveal a hitherto unnoticed process chain for the formation of large organic aerosols in the upper atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Published: 11 May 2007
Published recently in the Geophysical Research Letters, observations made with the four Cluster spacecraft have provided the first in-situ evidence of the reformation of the Earth's bowshock, showing its variable nature
Published: 11 May 2007
On Saturday, 12 May 2007, Cassini performed its 30th flyby of Saturn's largest moon Titan. It passed at an altitude of 960 kilometres above the moon's surface and during the flyby performed a wide range of different science observations of Titan's surface, atmosphere and magnetosphere
Published: 10 May 2007
CoRoT started its first science observation period on 3 February 2007 and has already returned data with a quality that is exceeding pre-launch expectations. Among the early results is the mission's first detection of an extrasolar planet
Published: 3 May 2007
Current understanding of star formation in globular clusters is being challenged by new Hubble results that have led to the discovery of multiple generations of stars in the massive globular cluster NGC2808
Published: 2 May 2007
One of the largest panoramic images ever taken with Hubble's cameras has been released to celebrate the 17th anniversary of the launch and deployment of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
Published: 24 April 2007
Sixteen days after the Titan-28 flyby, Cassini revisits Titan. The closest approach to the Saturnian moon occurs on Thursday, 26 April, at 21:32:58 UT, at an altitude of 980 kilometres above the surface and at a speed of 6.2 kilometres per second
Published: 23 April 2007
23-Jan-2025 07:17 UT

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