Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 30 December 2007 to 05 January 2008Routine activities were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 8 January 2008
Report for Period 23 December to 29 December 2007It took several days to download the VIRTIS data stored onboard the spacecraft after the problems at Cebreros reported in the previous week.
Published: 2 January 2008
Report for Period 16 December to 22 December 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations. In addition, heavy snow fall in Cebreros caused some problems with data download. The data was eventually downloaded in the subsequent days.
Published: 27 December 2007
Report for Period 01 December to 21 December 2007During the reporting period Rosetta went through the perihelion of its current orbit around theSun (17 Dec 2007 at 0.91077 AU from the Sun) without problems. The spacecraft distance from the Sun will now increase to reach a maximum of ca. 2.26 AU in December 2008.
Published: 27 December 2007
Report for Period 09 December to 15 December 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations
Published: 18 December 2007
Report for Period 18 November to 24 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations, skipping passes for cooling purposes and the end of the Quadrature Phase on 23 November. VIRTIS operations have continued during the period.
Published: 12 December 2007
Report for Period 02 December to 08 December 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations
Published: 11 December 2007
Report for Period 25 November to 01 December 2007 Routine mission operations were carried out during the reporting period.
Published: 4 December 2007
Report for Period 17 November to 30 November 2007After Rosetta's Earth swing-by of 13 November operations focused on science data downlink, spacecraft reconfiguration and check-out activities, and on the correction of the spacecraft's trajectory.
Published: 3 December 2007
Report for Period 11 November to 17 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations in Quadrature. These operations are severely constrained due to the special thermal restrictions that apply during Quadrature phase. VIRTIS operations were resumed in this period.
Published: 28 November 2007
Report for the Period 10 November - 16 November 2007During the reporting period Rosetta successfully went through the second Earth Swing-by manoeuvre that boosted the spacecraft towards a new and bigger orbit around the Sun. The period was characterised by intense flight operations preceding and following the closest approach that was on the 13...
Published: 19 November 2007
An anomaly in the solar array drive circuitry, already known on Mars Express, was detected on Venus Express for the first time on 23 August 2007. Within 24 hours the error happened twice. This resulted in a three day stop of all science operations. It was decided to implement the Mars Express patch to solve the problem. Following the trigger of...
Published: 19 November 2007
The spacecraft and its subsystem continue to perform nominally.Mid September the Rosetta spacecraft left Near-Sun Hibernation Mode (NSHM). No problems were reported during that period. Immediately thereafter Payload Active Check-out No. 6 started, which was completed early October.
Published: 19 November 2007
The 2007 eclipse season ended on 31 August; preparations for the 2008 eclipse seasons, with long eclipses during aphelion, started in October. The Phoenix EDL (Entry-Descent-Landing) support will take place during the 2008 eclipse season. In preparation for this Phoenix support a number of tests were performed between Melacom (Mars Express...
Published: 19 November 2007
Contact was lost with the TC2 (the polar) spacecraft in early August 2007. Up to date all attempts to re-establish were unsuccessful. One should note, however, that problems were expected on the spacecraft during this summer since the slow drift of the spin axis toward the sun would increase the temperature inside the spacecraft. After the...
Published: 19 November 2007
Report for the Period 4 November to 10 November 2007The activities during this week cover routine operations in Quadrature. These operations areseverely constrained due to the special thermal restrictions that apply during Quadrature phase.VIRTIS operations were resumed in this period.
Published: 13 November 2007
Report for period 27 October to 9 November 2007The reporting period covers a period of 2 weeks of Active Cruise Mode characterised by activities linked to the preparation of the Earth Swing-by. Frequent tracking passes are taken in order to asses the spacecraft trajectory.
Published: 12 November 2007
Mission StatusINTEGRAL moved beyond its 5-year design lifetime on 17 October 2007. Operations are continuing smoothly, with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment all performing nominally.
Published: 8 November 2007
Mission StatusXMM-Newton operations are continuing smoothly, with the spacecraft, instruments and ground segment all performing nominally. Operations are funded until 31 March 2010 and a request for a further extension until 31 December 2012 is being submitted to the SPC. This request combines elements of operations with INTEGRAL and no longer...
Published: 8 November 2007
Mission Status15 October 2007 was the tenth anniversary of the launch of Cassini-Huygens. The orbiter mission is progressing nominally and all operations are proceeding well.
Published: 8 November 2007
11-Feb-2025 15:26 UT

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