SMART-1 Science and Technology Working Team meeting
9 December 1998
The SMART-1 Science and Technology Working Team (STWT) met at ESTEC, Noordwijk, on 24 and 25 November.Key items under discussion were recent recommendations on the SMART-1 baseline 6-month lunar orbit scenario, and a possible extension for a flyby of a near-Earth object (NEO).The procedure for the final selection SMART-1 payload selection was discussed by Prof R. Pellinen (chairman of the Peer Review Committee) and Project scientist B.H. Foing.
SMART-1 preselected Science and Technology investigators had a productive 'brainstorming' session on optimisation and descoping of payload. They also discussed the timeline of payload operations in the different phases of the SMART-1 mission, from GTO around Earth, cruise (with and without electric propulsion to the Moon), lunar capture, 6 month-lunar orbit, possible lunar escape and Near Earth Object fly-by.
Last Update: 1 September 2019