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LUNEX convention call for abstract

LUNEX convention call for abstract

1st Convention of Lunar Explorers at Palais de la Devouverte, Paris 8-10 March 2001
Within this article:

Announcement and call for abstracts

topOrganisation committee

B.H. Foing (chair), G. Racca , A. Marini (ESA)
J. Audouze, F. Spiero, A. Revol, A. Lebeau, S. Maurice (France)
M. Duke (US), H. Mizutani (J), E. Galimov (RU), S. Dunkin (UK)
P. van Susante, D. Heather, M. Almeida, N. Frischauf, C. Koppeschaar (Lunar Explorers Society)


The Lunar Explorers Society LUNEX was created (200 founding members) on 14 July 2000 at a Conference on Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon (ICEUM4) organised by the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) at ESTEC, Noordwijk. LUNEX will bridge between space agencies and public on "lunar/planetary exploration and space". Its honorary board includes Dr. Dave Scott (Apollo 15 commander) and Prof. Roger Bonnet (ESA director of science), and its board includes members of ILEWG and representatives of Young Lunar Explorers.

The LUNEX 1st convention on 8-10 March at Palais de la Découverte will gather Lunar Explorers at large, press, and enthousiasts from museums, planetariums, and associations, outreach and education, partners and sponsors. This will be the main public event in 2001 to present the SMART-1 first European mission to the Moon, and to kick off related space science communication activities.

topCall for abstracts

We invite Abstracts for oral presentations, posters, videos, demonstrations, educational and multimedia material, in particular in the areas covered by the LUNEX task groups (below).

Abstracts (including title, authors, affiliation, and email of contact author, abstract text and eventual figure) should be less than one page and should be sent (as word attachment or ASCII) electronically to: with copy to

topGrants for participation

Grants will be available for Young Lunar Explorers (YLEs) (18-35 years) or other participants, who will be selected according to abstracts and essays submitted on 2 February. Grants will cover part of travelling and staying costs. Granted YLEs will also develop activities after the convention on areas of benefit to space science outreach and education.

Submission of requests for grants: please fills grant request form and send it to with copy to

The definitive convention programme will be available on this website as from 12 February 2001. During the LUNEX Convention, on 9 March, 2001 a press conference will be held.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 03:57 UT

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