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X-ray fluorescence observations of the moon by SMART-1/D-CIXS and the first detection of Ti Kα from the lunar surface

X-ray fluorescence observations of the moon by SMART-1/D-CIXS and the first detection of Ti Kα from the lunar surface

Publication date: 16 June 2009

Authors: Swinyard, B.M., et al.

Journal: Planetary and Space Science
Volume: 57
Issue: 7
Page: 744-750
Year: 2009

Copyright: Elsevier

The demonstration of a compact imaging X-ray spectrometer (D-CIXS), which flew on ESA's SMART-1 mission to the Moon (Racca et al., 2001; Foing et al., 2006), was designed to test innovative new technologies for orbital X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. D-CIXS conducted observations of the lunar surface from January 2005 until SMART-1 impacted the Moon in September 2006. Here, we present scientific observations made during two solar flare events and show the first detection of Titanium K-alpha from the lunar surface. We discuss the geological implications of these results. We also discuss how experience from D-CIXS has aided the design of a similar instrument (Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer [C1XS]) that was launched on the 22nd October 2008 on India's Chandrayaan-1 mission to the Moon.

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