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No. 2 - Activating Rosetta

No. 2 - Activating Rosetta

SummaryThe spacecraft and ground segment continue to operate well. All activities planned for the initial, critical phase after launch have been successfully completed ahead of schedule. In the early morning of 5 March the Mission Control Team at ESOC has moved from the Main Control Room to the Rosetta Dedicated Control Room to commence the spacecraft and payload commissioning.

Main Control Room at ESOC during the Rosetta Launch

This early relocation of the team, just 3 days after launch, is a record at ESOC and it is seen as remarkable, considering the complexity of the Rosetta spacecraft. The 5-day launch delay, from 26 February to 2 March, has been largely recovered and the early commissioning activities are now scheduled to within 1 or 2 days of the original plan. The New Norcia ground station in Australia (35 m antenna) will support the daily operations, while the support from the ESA Kourou and NASA Deep Space Network Madrid and Goldstone ground stations has been released with the termination of the critical phase. By midday on 8 March Rosetta is already 2 million km from the Earth.  The signal round-trip light-time is almost 14 seconds.

Ground Stations

Location Latitude Longitude Type Size
French Guiana
05.25° N 52.80° W Beam Wave Guide 15 m
New Norcia
31.03° S 116.11° E Beam Wave Guide 35 m
DSS 24
Goldstone, USA
36.69° N 116.87° W Beam Wave Guide 34 m
DSS 54
Madrid, Spain
41.15° N 04.25° W Beam Wave Guide 34 m

Spacecraft Activities

Initial activation of S-band transmission, using the 2.2 m large dish antenna, commenced at 23:16 on 3 March. Successful commissioning of the S-band up and downlinks on the low and high gain antennas took place throughout the night. Following on from this, configuration of the X-band, also using the high gain antenna, took place with a downlink signal received at both the Kourou and Madrid ground stations at 13:07 UT.

Termination of the S-band uplink occurred at 13:20 and X-band uplink established at 13:35. The X-band uplink was then terminated at 14:30 and uplink communications were re-established via the High Gain Antenna at S-band. By 7 March, tests of the X-band communications had been completed. These activities successfully demonstrated the nominal performance of the major communication systems, which will be critical for the mission. Due to the rapidly increasing distance between the spacecraft and the Earth, the possible data rate using the low gain antenna is already limited to 7.8 bits per second and this link will soon vanish. Using the High Gain Antenna the maximum data rate of 22 kbits per second is sustainable.

The attitude control system has undergone several characterization tests, such as gyroscope calibrations and determination of the friction in the reaction wheel system. This included, for the first time, switching on all four reaction wheels simultaneously. Substantial disturbance torques acted on the spacecraft during its first few days in orbit. Over the following days these torques gradually decreased to nominal levels. The phenomenon, attributed to the outgassing of the spacecraft, diminishes with time because the spacecraft is in the high vacuum of space.

Full configuration of the 25 Gbit solid-state mass memory took place on 4 March in order to support routine operations: creating data stores for all instruments and storing redundant files of application software. Activation of all memory modules for the mission is now complete.

Commissioning of the power subsystem took place at the end of the Madrid pass on 4 March. All checks were successful and the power subsystem behaved as expected.

The drive mechanisms of the solar array are being exercised during the early days of the flight in order to keep the solar cells perpendicular to the Sun as the spacecraft rotates. The azimuth and elevation drives, enabling the High Gain Antenna to track the Earth, have been extensively characterized. These mechanical functions are critical to the mission and they are working nominally.

Overview of Activities

Note all times are in Universal Time (UT)

    LOS = Loss of Signal
    AOS = Acquisition of Signal
    EOT = End of Transmission

3 March 2004

15:50 Bit rate changed to 52428.8 sps
16:14 AOS DSS24
16:27 Stop Uplink DSS54
16:31 Start Uplink DSS24
21:33 LOS Kourou
22:23 AOS New Norcia
23:01 Ranging stopped at DSS24
23:06 Stop Uplink DSS24
23:10 Start Uplink New Norcia
23:16 Ranging started from New Norcia
23:19 Ranging stopped at New Norcia
23:21 Stop Uplink New Norcia
23:31 Start Uplink New Norcia with reduced power before HGA activation (100 W)
23:53 HGA antenna on Transponder#1 activated. New Norcia and DSS24 have an increased input level of 32 dB

4 March 2004

00:50 EOT DSS24
07:06 AOS DSS54
07:29 Telecommunication link out
07:30 Carrier Down New Norcia
08:00 Start S-Band commissioning procedure
08:00 Switch HGA to LGA Rear
09:00 TC bitrate change to 1000 bits per second (bps)
09:58 AOS Kourou
10:08 LOS New Norcia
10:22 TC bitrate change to 250 bps on Transponder 2
10:40 TC bitrate change to 1000 bps on Transponder 1
10:50 TC bitrate change to 250 bps on Transponder 1
10:56 TC bitrate change to 7.8125 bps on Transponder 1
11:05 TC bitrate change to 2000 bps on Transponder 2
11:14 Change over to the on board Ultra Stable Oscillator
12:40 Kourou configured for X-band
13:07 X-band AOS in Kourou and DSS54
13:27 X-Band Telemetry processed from Kourou
13:34 X-Band Carrier up from Kourou
13:34-14:20 Several re-sweeps were conducted at different uplink levels (300W, 12W, 6W) in order to check the onboard AGC readings
14:20 First X-Band Command sent from Kourou
15:44 TMm Symbol rate change to 5461 sps
15:55 Switch HGA to LGA Rear
16:52 TC bitrate change to 7.8125 bits per second
21:30 LOS Kourou
22:21 AOS New Norcia
23:37 Carrier down New Norcia
23:50 Carrier up New Norcia with reduced power (100 W) after HGA Earth pointing and activation

5 March 2004

00:15 Downlink switched off Transponder 1 on LGA
Downlink switched on Transponder 2 on HGA
00:18 Transmitter 2 on-board switched on: HGA radiating in S-Band
00:24 TLM symbol rate change to 52428.88 sps. Ranging Modulation index change to 0.2 rad
08:36 Switch over from Transponder 1 to Transponder 2
08:40:00 Transponder switch: downlink drop Transponder 1
08:40:19 Transponder switch: downlink back on Transponder 2
10:05 LOS New Norcia
11:00 End of Launch and Early Orbit Phase

Planned Instrument Activities

First payload commissioning
Payload commissioning, including antenna deployment
Payload commissioning
Lander 12-17 Mar
Payload commissioning
RPC 17-21 Mar
Payload commissioning


Planned Spacecraft Activities

09 Mar Change attitude to +X axis Sun pointing, test of the star trackers in the new attitude and Sun sensor alignment calibration
10 Mar Solar array flexible modes calibration
18 Mar RPC boom deployment

Orbit Trajectory

At 12:00 on 8 March 2004 Rosetta was 1.988 million km from Earth. This placed it more than one million km outside its sphere of influence. Orbital elements are, therefore, quoted with respect to the Sun as Earth centric information is not so relevant at such a distance. The signal round-trip time was 13.26 seconds.

EPOCH (UTC) 2004/03/08 11:58:55.8 UTC 

Heliocentric state and elements (reference plane is Earth mean equator of J2000.0)
Position (km) X -143442749.489284
Y 27368977.567599
  Z 12005574.989980
Velocity (kms-1) Xdot -3.027967
Ydot -27.696812
Zdot -11.774408
Semi Major Axis km 148022446.315397
AU 0.9895
Eccentricity 0.105414
Inclination (°) 23.044997
Ascending Node (°) 0.340809
Argument of Pericentre (°) 258.457557
True Anomaly (°) 269.460347
Pericentre Distance km 132418878.617842
AU 0.8852
Apocentre Distance km 163626014.012952
AU 1.0938
Osc. Orbit Period Hours 8628.055233
Days 359.5

Last Update: 1 September 2019
19-Mar-2025 03:29 UT

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