Images From Mars Express
Latest images from the HRSC instrument on Mars Express. Click on an image to access the full caption and the option to download high-resolution jpg and tiff versions of the image. All images released in 2004 and 2005 can be found in the HRSC image archive pages.
18 December 2006
Location: 75.3-78.4° E, 23.9-34.3° S - North of Hellas Basin Image Resolution: 19.5 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Strip over ransition region between the extensive land mass Tyrrhena Terra, in the upper half of the image, and the large Hellas impact basin. |
Location: 75.3-78.4° E, 23.9-34.3° S - North of Hellas Basin Image Resolution: 76.6 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Anaglyph version of the above strip over the transition region between Tyrrhena Terra and the northern rim of the Hellas impact basin. |
24 October 2006
Location: 96.7-98.2° E, 41.4-46.3° S - Southeast of Hellas Basin Image Resolution: app. 10.7 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: 166-km long strip on the Martian southern hemisphere in the region between the Promethei Terra and the large Hellas impact basin. |
21 September 2006
Location: 350.54° E, 40.75° S - Cydonia region Image Resolution: app. 13.7 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Cydonia lies in the transition zone between the southern highlands and the northern plains, characterized by wide, debris-filled valleys and isolated remnant mounds of various shapes and sizes. |
Location: 350.54° E, 40.75° S - Cydonia region Image Resolution: app. 13.7 m per pixel View: Perspective Description: South-western view of the massif on Mars that is popularly known as the Face on Mars. |
Location: 350.54° E, 40.75° S - Cydonia region Image Resolution: app. 13.7 m per pixel View: Perspective Description: North-eastern view of the massif on Mars that is popularly known as the Face on Mars. |
31 August 2006
Location: 293° E, 27° N - Kasei Valles Image Resolution: 29 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Northern branch of the large Kasei Valles outflow system. The branch is separated from the southern valley branch by the Sacra Mensa plain, also visible in this view. |
Location: 293° E, 23° N - Kasei Valles Image Resolution: 29 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Southern branch of the large Kasei Valles outflow system. The branch is separated from the northern valley branch by the Sacra Mensa plain, seen at the top here. |
2 August 2006
Location: 61.5-70.5° E, 20.2-30.2° N - Crater Baldet Image Resolution: 145.8 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The large impact crater Baldet is located on the northern edge of Syrtis Major Planum. Across the crater floor sand dunes are visible. |
28 July 2006
Location: 135.7° E, 26.8° N - Granicus Valles and Tinjar Valles Image Resolution: 23.7 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: These two valleys, carved by lava flows and debris flows, are situated in the region where the Elysium Planitia meets the Utopia Planitia. |
14 July 2006
Location: 340.6° E, 0.7° S - Iani Chaos Image Resolution: 13.0 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The Ianis Chaos is region lies east of Valles Marineris and is characterized by a disrupted and chaotic appearance, dominated by large-scale remnant massifs. |
28 June 2006
Location: 351-357° E, 29.9-35.5° S - Noachis Terra Image Resolution: 41.9 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: This image shows a large area of the extensive land mass Noachis Terra lying in the southern highlands. |
16 June 2006
Location: 332-333° E, 6.8° N - 2.1° S - Margaritifer Terra Image Resolution: 11.3 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: 528 km long strip across the ancient and heavily cratered Margaritifer Terra region with chaotic terrains and evidence of massive flooding. |
9 June 2006
Location: 174.6° E, 7.2° S - Apollinaris Patera Image Resolution: 14.3 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Caldera of the Apollinaris Patera shield volcano, which stands 5 kilometres above the surrounding surface and measures 180 by 280 km at its base. |
23 May 2006
Location: 246.4° E, 0.6° S - Pavonis Mons Image Resolution: 14.3 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: On the south western flank of the Pavonis Mons shield volcano, distinct features are visible thought to be lava tubes: tunnels, collapsed after depletion of lava flow. |
10 May 2006
Location: 288.4° E, 48.5° N - Tempe Terra Image Resolution: 16.5 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The scene shows a transition region between the old Martian highlands to the south and the geologically younger northern lowlands, with clear signs of weathering and mass transport. |
4 May 2006
Location: 261.9-263.4° E, 23.2-32.6° S - Tharsis Region Image Resolution: 12.5 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: A strip of ~560 km showing a portion of the Tharsis region. This thumbnail shows the Uranius Tholus volcano with a diameter of roughly 60 km. |
25 April 2006
Location: 312° E, 6° N - Nanedi Valles Image Resolution: 18 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Nanedi Valles valley system, a steep-sided feature, the origin of which is heavily debated. A roughly 800-kilometre valley extending southwest-northeast and lying in the region of Xanthe Terra. |
10 April 2006
Location: 329° E, 51° S - Galle crater Image Resolution: 10-20 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The 230 km diameter Galle impact crater is located on the eastern rim of the Argyre Planitia impact basin. The interior shows a surface shaped by aeolian activity. |

21 March 2006
Location: 81° E, Equatorial - Libya Montes Valley Image Resolution: app. 14.3 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The central region of a 400-kilometre long valley that was carved into the surface in early Martian history, approximately 3500 million years ago. |

21 March 2006
Location: 176.3-179.1° E, 13.4-23.6° S - Ma'adim Vallis Image Resolution: app. 16.2 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Ma'adim Vallis, situated in the Aeolis region, is one of the largest valley systems on Mars with a length of 900 km. |

3 March 2006
Location: 230.5° E, 17.5° N - Olympus Mons Image Resolution: app. 11 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The image shows Olympus Mons's eastern scarp, which is up to six kilometres high in places. |

24 February 2006
Location: 330.6-334.5° E, 42.2-57.0° S - Argyre Planitia Image Resolution: app. 30 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: 877-km long strip across eastern edge of the Argyre crater that dominates the Argyre Planitia. |

Location: 332.4-333.2° E, 47.0-47.5° S - Argyre Planitia Image Resolution: app. 15 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Close-up view of young crater at the north western edge of the larger crater Wirtz on the Argyre planitia. |

Location: 97.8° E, 30.3° S - Ausonia Mensa Image Resolution: app. 37.6 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The large remnant massif Ausonia Mensa is located in the region of Hesperia Planum, and shows many signs of erosion. |

14 February 2006
Location: 23.3-25.6° E, 33.4-47.6° N - Ismenius Lacus Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: 845-km long strip of a portion of the Ismenius Lacus region on the surface of Mars. |

7 February 2006
Location: 85.9-92.1° E, 22.1-36.6° S - Hellas Planitia Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: Area on the northern eastern rim of Hellas Planitia, also known as the Hellas impact basin. |

31 January 2006
Location: 255.7-260.8° E, 22.4-41.6° S - Claritas Fossae Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: 1150-km long strip over the Claritass Fossae region, adjacent to the strip of 26 January 2006. |

26 January 2006
Location: 249.6-256.1° E, 19.3-38.9° S - Claritas Fossae Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: 1200-km long strip over the Claritass Fossae region, located on the Tharsis rise. |

19 January 2006
Location: 297.0° E, 5.0° S - Juventae Chasma Image Resolution: app. 23.4 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: The Juventae Chasma depression cuts more than 5000 metres deep into the plains of Lunae Planum. |

4 January 2006
Location: 118.7° E, 35.3° S - Hesperia Planum Image Resolution: app. 16.7 m per pixel View: Overhead Description: A 24.4 km-long elliptical crater with a maximum depth of 650 metres below the surrounding surface. |

Last Update: 1 September 2019