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Images From Mars Express

Images From Mars Express

Latest images from the HRSC instrument on Mars Express. Click on an image to access the full caption and the option to download high-resolution jpg and tiff versions of the image. All images released in 2004 and 2005 can be found in the HRSC image archive pages.

18 December 2006

Location: 75.3-78.4° E, 23.9-34.3° S - North of Hellas Basin
Image Resolution: 19.5 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Strip over ransition region between the extensive land mass Tyrrhena Terra, in the upper half of the image, and the large Hellas impact basin.

Location: 75.3-78.4° E, 23.9-34.3° S - North of Hellas Basin
Image Resolution: 76.6 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Anaglyph version of the above strip over the transition region between Tyrrhena Terra and the northern rim of the Hellas impact basin.

24 October 2006

Location: 96.7-98.2° E, 41.4-46.3° S - Southeast of Hellas Basin
Image Resolution: app. 10.7 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: 166-km long strip on the Martian southern hemisphere in the region between the Promethei Terra and the large Hellas impact basin.

21 September 2006

Location: 350.54° E, 40.75° S - Cydonia region
Image Resolution: app. 13.7 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Cydonia lies in the transition zone between the southern highlands and the northern plains, characterized by wide, debris-filled valleys and isolated remnant mounds of various shapes and sizes.
Location: 350.54° E, 40.75° S - Cydonia region
Image Resolution: app. 13.7 m per pixel
View: Perspective
Description: South-western view of the massif on Mars that is popularly known as the Face on Mars.
Location: 350.54° E, 40.75° S - Cydonia region
Image Resolution: app. 13.7 m per pixel
View: Perspective
Description: North-eastern view of the massif on Mars that is popularly known as the Face on Mars.

31 August 2006

Location: 293° E, 27° N - Kasei Valles
Image Resolution: 29 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Northern branch of the large Kasei Valles outflow system. The branch is separated from the southern valley branch by the Sacra Mensa plain, also visible in this view.

Location: 293° E, 23° N - Kasei Valles
Image Resolution: 29 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Southern branch of the large Kasei Valles outflow system. The branch is separated from the northern valley branch by the Sacra Mensa plain, seen at the top here.

2 August 2006

Location: 61.5-70.5° E, 20.2-30.2° N - Crater Baldet
Image Resolution: 145.8 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The large impact crater Baldet is located on the northern edge of Syrtis Major Planum. Across the crater floor sand dunes are visible.

28 July 2006

Location: 135.7° E, 26.8° N - Granicus Valles and Tinjar Valles
Image Resolution: 23.7 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: These two valleys, carved by lava flows and debris flows, are situated in the region where the Elysium Planitia meets the Utopia Planitia.

14 July 2006

Location: 340.6° E, 0.7° S - Iani Chaos
Image Resolution: 13.0 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The Ianis Chaos is region lies east of Valles Marineris and is characterized by a disrupted and chaotic appearance, dominated by large-scale remnant massifs.

28 June 2006

Location: 351-357° E, 29.9-35.5° S - Noachis Terra
Image Resolution: 41.9 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: This image shows a large area of the extensive land mass Noachis Terra lying in the southern highlands.

16 June 2006

Location: 332-333° E, 6.8° N - 2.1° S - Margaritifer Terra
Image Resolution: 11.3 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: 528 km long strip across the ancient and heavily cratered Margaritifer Terra region with chaotic terrains and evidence of massive flooding.

9 June 2006

Location: 174.6° E, 7.2° S - Apollinaris Patera
Image Resolution: 14.3 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Caldera of the Apollinaris Patera shield volcano, which stands 5 kilometres above the surrounding surface and measures 180 by 280 km at its base.

23 May 2006

Location: 246.4° E, 0.6° S - Pavonis Mons
Image Resolution: 14.3 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: On the south western flank of the Pavonis Mons shield volcano, distinct features are visible thought to be lava tubes: tunnels, collapsed after depletion of lava flow.

10 May 2006

Location: 288.4° E, 48.5° N - Tempe Terra
Image Resolution: 16.5 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The scene shows a transition region between the old Martian highlands to the south and the geologically younger northern lowlands, with clear signs of weathering and mass transport.

4 May 2006

Location: 261.9-263.4° E, 23.2-32.6° S - Tharsis Region
Image Resolution: 12.5 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: A strip of ~560 km showing a portion of the Tharsis region. This thumbnail shows the Uranius Tholus volcano with a diameter of roughly 60 km.

25 April 2006

Location: 312° E, 6° N - Nanedi Valles
Image Resolution: 18 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Nanedi Valles valley system, a steep-sided feature, the origin of which is heavily debated. A roughly 800-kilometre valley extending southwest-northeast and lying in the region of Xanthe Terra.

10 April 2006

Location: 329° E, 51° S - Galle crater
Image Resolution: 10-20 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The 230 km diameter Galle impact crater is located on the eastern rim of the Argyre Planitia impact basin. The interior shows a surface shaped by aeolian activity.

21 March 2006

Location: 81° E, Equatorial - Libya Montes Valley
Image Resolution: app. 14.3 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The central region of a 400-kilometre long valley that was carved into the surface in early Martian history, approximately 3500 million years ago.

21 March 2006

Location: 176.3-179.1° E, 13.4-23.6° S - Ma'adim Vallis
Image Resolution: app. 16.2 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Ma'adim Vallis, situated in the Aeolis region, is one of the largest valley systems on Mars with a length of 900 km.

3 March 2006

Location: 230.5° E, 17.5° N - Olympus Mons
Image Resolution: app. 11 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The image shows Olympus Mons's eastern scarp, which is up to six kilometres high in places.

24 February 2006

Location: 330.6-334.5° E, 42.2-57.0° S - Argyre Planitia
Image Resolution: app. 30 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: 877-km long strip across eastern edge of the Argyre crater that dominates the Argyre Planitia.

Location: 332.4-333.2° E, 47.0-47.5° S - Argyre Planitia
Image Resolution: app. 15 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Close-up view of young crater at the north western edge of the larger crater Wirtz on the Argyre planitia.

Location: 97.8° E, 30.3° S - Ausonia Mensa
Image Resolution: app. 37.6 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The large remnant massif Ausonia Mensa is located in the region of Hesperia Planum, and shows many signs of erosion.

14 February 2006

Location: 23.3-25.6° E, 33.4-47.6° N - Ismenius Lacus
Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: 845-km long strip of a portion of the Ismenius Lacus region on the surface of Mars.

7 February 2006

Location: 85.9-92.1° E, 22.1-36.6° S - Hellas Planitia
Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: Area on the northern eastern rim of Hellas Planitia, also known as the Hellas impact basin.

31 January 2006

Location: 255.7-260.8° E, 22.4-41.6° S - Claritas Fossae
Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: 1150-km long strip over the Claritass Fossae region, adjacent to the strip of 26 January 2006.

26 January 2006

Location: 249.6-256.1° E, 19.3-38.9° S - Claritas Fossae
Image Resolution: app. 100 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: 1200-km long strip over the Claritass Fossae region, located on the Tharsis rise.

19 January 2006

Location: 297.0° E, 5.0° S - Juventae Chasma
Image Resolution: app. 23.4 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: The Juventae Chasma depression cuts more than 5000 metres deep into the plains of Lunae Planum.

4 January 2006

Location: 118.7° E, 35.3° S - Hesperia Planum
Image Resolution: app. 16.7 m per pixel
View: Overhead
Description: A 24.4 km-long elliptical crater with a maximum depth of 650 metres below the surrounding surface.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 15:47 UT

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