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No. 5 - Latest on Rosetta commissioning

No. 5 - Latest on Rosetta commissioning

Report for week 19 to 26 MarchPayload commissioning activities continued in the reporting period. Three instruments were activated for the first time, ROSINA, ALICE and VIRTIS, and their first slot of commissioning activities successfully completed.

On the spacecraft subsystems side, the High Gain Antenna pattern calibration was performed, by pointing the antenna in different directions and slewing the spacecraft on a spiralling pattern, such that the gain of the received signal on the ground could be measured by the New Norcia station.

All activities were executed according to plan and in some cases the operations planned for a full night pass could be finished well ahead of time.

The table below shows a chronology of the main activities in the reporting period:

    Mission Day



    Main Activity


    19/20.03.04 79/80 ROSINA commissioning pass 1 (COPS)


    20/21.03.04 80/81 ROSINA commissioning pass 2 (COPS)


    21/22.03.04 81/82 HGA pattern calibration


    22/23.03.04 82/83 ALICE commissioning pass 1


    23/24.03.04 83/84 ALICE commissioning pass 2


    24/25.03.04 84/85 VIRTIS commissioning pass 1


    25/26.03.04 85/86 VIRTIS commissioning pass 2 

At the end of the last New Norcia pass in the reporting period (DOY 086, 08:17) Rosetta was at 7.9 million km from the Earth. The return signal travel time was 53 seconds.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 04:40 UT

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