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No. 79 - Preparing for Deep Space Manoeuvre

No. 79 - Preparing for Deep Space Manoeuvre

Report for Period 24 March to 20 April 2007The reporting period covers a period of four weeks of limited science observations and navigation in preparation of the deep space manoeuvre 3.

All activities have been conducted according to the plan without major problems except for the Rosina RTOF (Reflectron type Time Of Flight mass spectrometer) sensor which is showing anomalous behaviour already seen earlier. Jupiter observations with the ALICE instrument will continue till May.

The navigation campaign after the Mars Swing-by is continuing with the preparation of the Deep Space Manoeuvre 3 planned for 26 April 2007.

DOY Date Pass Main Activity
085 26/03/07 NNO 1122 Observations and science data downlink
088 29/03/07 NNO 1125 Observations and science data downlink
092 02/04/07 NNO 1129 Observations and science data downlink
094 04/04/07 NNO 1131 Observations and science data downlink
100 10/04/07 NNO 1137 Observations and science data downlink
102 12/04/07 NNO 1139 Observations and science data downlink
108 18/04/07 NNO 1145 Observations and science data downlink
109 19/04/07 NNO 1146 Observations and science data downlink

At the end of the reporting period (DOY 110) Rosetta was at 276.7 million km from Earth (1.84 AU; one-way signal travel time was 15 minutes 23 seconds). The distance to the Sun was 234.4 million Km (1.56 AU).



The reporting period included the following activities:

  • ALICE - Jupiter observation campaign

Operations have been conducted according to the plan without any major problem and will continue according to the plan.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Nothing to report.

Lander Philae
Nothing to report.

The instrument has been operated according to the plan.

Future Milestones

The Mars swing-by phase will be formally completed with the Deep Space Manoeuvre 3 and the orbit determination following it.

After this a few more Jupiter observations will be performed together with payloads and AOCVS check-out activities before the Near Sun Hibernation phase 4.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
13-Mar-2025 17:42 UT

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