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No. 150 - First rendezvous manoeuvre

No. 150 - First rendezvous manoeuvre

Report for the period 17 to 24 January 2011This report covers 8 days of Rosetta mission operations. During the reporting period about 98 per cent of the first rendezvous manoeuvre (RDVM#1, total DV ~ 780 ms-1) was completed with a sequence of six burns.

During the second planned burn the spacecraft entered safe mode due to a large performance anomaly in the reaction control system (RCS). The spacecraft was promptly recovered and the mission control team at ESOC implemented a new operations strategy for the RCS to mitigate the problem. In view of the problems experienced, the manoeuvre and its split had to be redesigned and was then completed with the use of the redundant thruster set. Spacecraft behaviour was also non-nominal with the use of the new operating mode and the redundant thrusters; however, the replanned burns were completed successfully. The spacecraft is currently in nominal status and on track to perform the final trim manoeuvre (∆V 17.6 ms-1 TBC, about 2 per cent of the total) on 10 February.

During the reporting period, mission operations were conducted using the ESA New Norcia (NNO) ground station and the DSS-24 (Goldstone, 34 metres), DSS-25 (Goldstone, 34 metres), DSS-26 (Goldstone, 34 metres) and DSS-65 (Madrid, 34 metres) NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) antennas.

Main activities during reporting period

DoY Date Pass Activity


DSS-26 2519
NNO 2519
RDVM#1 burn 1A (300 ms-1)


DSS-26 2520
NNO 2520
RDVM#1 burn 1B (274 ms-1, interrupted by safe mode after about 30 ms-1)


DSS-26 2521
NNO 2521
Safe mode recovery completion


DSS-26 2522
NNO 2522
RCS reconfiguration and RCS B performance test


DSS-26 2523
NNO 2523
RDVM#1 Test Burn (35 ms-1)


DSS-26 2524
NNO 2524
RDVM#1 burn 2A (160 ms-1)


DSS-26 2525
NNO 2525
RDVM#1 burn 2B (200 ms-1)


DSS-26 2526
NNO 2526
RDVM#1 burn 2C (45 ms-1)

At the end of the reporting period on 24 January, Rosetta was 598.2 million km from Earth (3.99 AU); the one-way signal travel time was 33 min 16 sec (1996 sec). The spacecraft's distance from the Sun was 583 million km (3.90 AU).


A performance anomaly in the reaction control system (thought to have been caused by thruster 9A) led to an attitude pointing error and then to the spacecraft transitioning to level two safe mode during burn 1B on 18 January. Following a switchover to the redundant thruster set and replanning of the rendezvous manoeuvre, the remaining burns were completed successfully.

Payload Status
ALICE The instrument is currently OFF.
CONSERT The instrument is currently OFF.
COSIMA The instrument is currently OFF.
GIADA The instrument is currently OFF.
MIDAS The instrument is currently OFF.
MIRO The instrument is currently OFF.
OSIRIS The instrument is currently OFF.
ROSINA The instrument is currently OFF.
RPC The instrument is currently OFF.
RSI The USO is ON/muted since 3 February 2010 (DoY 032/2010).
VIRTIS The instrument is currently OFF.
Lander (Philae) The instrument is currently OFF.
SREM The instrument is ON with standard settings since 3 February 2010 (DoY 032/2010).

Future milestones

The spacecraft trajectory is now being carefully analysed to assess the exact performance of the bulk of the first rendezvous manoeuvre. Once this assessment is complete, the trim manoeuvre, planned for the 10 February with a nominal ΔV of 17.6 ms-1 will be finalised in terms of magnitude and direction. Any remaining residual errors will be cleared with a second trim manoeuvre in March.

Summary of upcoming events:

  • 10 February 2011: TRIM 1 manoeuvre (nominal ΔV 17.6 ms-1)
  • 17 February 2011: Solar arrays performance test at 4 AU
  • 03 March 2011: TRIM 2 manoeuvre

Legal disclaimer
This report is based on the ESOC mission operations report, WOR #150. Please see the copyright section of the legal disclaimer (linked from the home page for terms of use.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
24-Mar-2025 15:58 UT

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