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No. 156 - Preparations for deep-space hibernation phase

No. 156 - Preparations for deep-space hibernation phase

Report for the period 18 April to 15 May 2011This report covers 28 days of Rosetta mission operations. The main activities were further preparations for the deep space hibernation phase.

During the reporting period, Rosetta went through a solar opposition phase with a consequent very low level of activities. Due to the extremely large heliocentric distance, the opposition conditions did not affect the performance of the telemetry and telecommand subsystem. Further activities were performed in preparation for the deep space phase. The spacecraft is currently entering the final preparatory phase for entry into hibernation.

During the reporting period, mission operations were conducted using the ESA New Norcia (NNO) ground station.

Main activities during reporting period

DoY Date Pass Activity
108 18-Apr-2011 NNO 2610 Monitor
110 20-Apr-2011 NNO 2612 Monitor
111 21-Apr-2011 NNO 2613 Monitor
113 23-Apr-2011 NNO 2615 Monitor
115 25-Apr-2011 NNO 2617 Monitor
117 27-Apr-2011 NNO 2619 Monitor
118 28-Apr-2011 NNO 2620 Characterisation of outgasing from -Z face
120 30-Apr-2011 NNO 2622 Monitor
122 2-May-2011 NNO 2624 Batteries discharge to level 2 for solar arrays test
124 4-May-2011 NNO 2626 Monitor
125 5-May-2011 NNO 2627 Monitor
127 7-May-2011 NNO 2629 Monitor
129 9-May-2011 NNO 2631 Update of thermal control system tables in safeguard memory
131 11-May-2011 NNO 2633 Monitor
132 12-May-2011 NNO 2634 Monitor
133 13-May-2011 NNO 2635 Characterisation of S-band RX-1 band-limiting filter
134 14-May-2011 NNO 2636 Monitor

DoY = Day of year

At the end of the reporting period on 15 May, Rosetta was 508 million kilometres from Earth (3.39 AU); one-way signal travel time was 1695 seconds (28 minutes 15 seconds). The distance from the Sun was 654 million kilometres (4.37 AU). On 19 April, Rosetta was at a geocentric distance of about 492 million kilometres; the spacecraft will not be so 'close' to Earth again until the end of October 2014.


Payload Status
ALICE The instrument is currently OFF.
CONSERT The instrument is currently OFF.
COSIMA The instrument is currently OFF.
GIADA The instrument is currently OFF.
MIDAS The instrument is currently OFF.
MIRO The instrument is currently OFF.
OSIRIS The instrument is currently OFF.
ROSINA The instrument is currently OFF.
RPC The instrument is currently OFF.
RSI The USO is ON/muted since 3 February 2010 (DoY 032/2010).
VIRTIS The instrument is currently OFF.
Lander (Philae) The instrument is currently OFF.
SREM The instrument is ON with standard settings since 3 February 2010 (DoY 032/2010).

Future Milestones

With the exception of a final solar array performance test, spacecraft activities preceding the hibernation phase have now been completed. Configuration for the hibernation phase will take place during the next reporting period, with a progressive deactivation of unneeded units and activation of those required for entry operations.

Summary of upcoming events:

  • 20 May 2011: End of opposition phase
  • 21 May 2011: Solar arrays test at 4.4 AU
  • 23 May 2011: Solid-state mass memory configuration for low power conditions (one memory module); Start of power management for antenna pointing mechanism electronics /solar array drive electronics (repositioning)
  • 30 May 2011: Switch on second inertial measurement package
  • 31 May 2011: Power consumption characterisation test
  • 01 June 2011: Low-gain antenna telecommand links test (NASA Deep Space Network Canberra and ESA New Norcia ground stations); Safe mode configuration for low power conditions (Low power flag)
  • 08 June 2011: Hibernation entry

Legal disclaimer
This report is based on the ESOC mission operations report, WOR #156. Please see the copyright section of the legal disclaimer (linked from the home page for terms of use.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
18-Feb-2025 20:23 UT

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