Philae's instruments (black background)

Date: 01 January 2014
Satellite: Rosetta
Depicts: Philae Lander
Copyright: ESA/ATG medialab
Rosetta will deploy the Philae lander to the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko for in situ analysis with its 10 instruments:
APXS: Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer (studying the chemical composition of the landing site and its potential alteration during the comet's approach to the Sun)
CIVA: Comet Nucleus Infrared and Visible Analyser (six cameras to take panoramic pictures of the comet surface)
CONSERT: COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radiowave Transmission (studying the internal structure of the comet nucleus with Rosetta orbiter)
COSAC: The COmetary SAmpling and Composition Experiment (detecting and identifying complex organic molecules)
PTOLEMY: Using MODULUS protocol (Methods Of Determining and Understanding Light elements from Unequivocal Stable isotope compositions) to understand the geochemistry of light elements, such as hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen
MUPUS: MUlti-PUrpose Sensors for Surface and Sub-Surface Science (studying the properties of the comet surface and immediate sub-surface)
ROLIS: Rosetta Lander Imaging System (providing the first close-up images of the landing site)
ROMAP: Rosetta Lander Magnetometer and Plasma Monitor (studying the magnetic field and plasma environment of the comet)
SD2: Sampling, drilling and distribution subsystem (drilling up to 23 cm depth and delivering material to onboard instruments for analysis)
SESAME: Surface Electric Sounding and Acoustic Monitoring Experiment (probing the mechanical and electrical parameters of the comet), comprising: CASSE (Comet Acoustic Surface Sounding Experiment), DIM (Dust Impact Monitor), and PP (Permittivity Probe).