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Outreach Resources

Outreach Resources

This page collates a number of outreach resources that can be found on the ESA websites.

Contents of this page

Rosetta press kits
Rosetta mission brochures
Rosetta Google+ Hangout replays
Rosetta scientific publications
Once upon a time ... Cartoon series
'Ambition' the film
#AskRosetta - YouTube series
Educational resources
Paper model and wallpaper
Rosetta Art Tribute
The Rosetta Legacy
Comet 67P shape models
Rosetta - Astro Drone application
Social media: Rosetta blog, facebook and twitter
Comet Hunters - A video series on Euronews
Image & Video archive
"Wake Up, Rosetta!" campaign videos
Rosetta, are we there yet? - Photo contest

Rosetta press kits

30 September 2016 - Rosetta end of mission, grand finale
Press kit with background information about the Rosetta mission, prepared to accompany Rosetta's grand finale: the end of mission on 30 September 2016.
12 November 2014 - Landing on a comet
Press kit for the 12 November 2014 press event marking the landing of Rosetta's lander Philae on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

October 2014 - 'Go' for primary landing site
Updated press kit with information about the mission so far, the landing site selection process, and landing on a comet.

6 August 2014 - arrival at comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Press kit with information about the mission so far, how to arrive at and orbit a comet, landing site selection process, and landing on a comet.


Rosetta mission brochures

Rosetta - Rendezvous with a comet
This ESA Brochure (BR-318) descibes Rosetta's 10-year journey to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and how the mission is set to unlock the secrets of the Solar System.

Rosetta - Living with a comet
This ESA Brochure (BR-321) describes the Rosetta mission, from its journey to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the historical landing of the Philae lander on the comet's surface, to some of the mission's early results, while it continues to live with the comet.


Rosetta Google+ Hangout replays

ESAHangout: How do we journey to a comet?
Watch the replay on ESA's YouTube channel.
ESAHangout: Where will Philae land?
Watch the replay on ESA's YouTube channel.
ESAHangout: Briefing: Rosetta science and countdown to comet landing
Watch the replay on ESA's YouTube channel.

ESAHangout: Rosetta mission: Results from comet landing
Watch the replay on ESA's YouTube channel.

ESAHangout: Rosetta mission's day in the Sun
Watch the replay on ESA's YouTube channel.

Scientific papers

Scientific results from Rosetta
A list of scientific papers, accessible from the ADS library, maintained by the Project Scientist.
Science special issue: Philae's first look
Research articles and reports from the Science journal special issue "Philae's first look" are available (open-access) here.
Publication archive
A listing of some of the major publications arising from the Rosetta mission is here.

Once upon a time ... Cartoon series

Wake Up Rosetta!
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Listen to the soundtrack on SoundCloud
Are we there yet?
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Are we there yet? - Competition trailer
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Fabulous fables and tales of tails
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Preparing for comet landing
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Comet landing
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Living with a comet
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Short compilation: Rosetta and Philae at Schiphol airport
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery:  en 
Rosetta's second year at the comet
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    it    es
Rosetta's grand finale
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    es    es
Mission complete
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    es    es
The adventures of Rosetta and Philae - the complete story
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch it in ESA's gallery in one of five languages:  en    fr    de    es    es

'Ambition' the film

Watch the film 'Ambition' on ESA's YouTube channel.
Watch the 'Making of Ambition' on ESA's YouTube channel.
Listen to the soundtrack from 'Ambition' on SoundCloud.
Watch the film 'Ambition - epilogue' on ESA's YouTube channel.

#AskRosetta - YouTube series

How long does it take for Rosetta to transmit a signal to Earth?
Watch the answer on ESA's YouTube channel.
Who sends the commands to Rosetta?
Watch the answer on ESA's YouTube channel.
How was Philae's landing site chosen?
Watch the answer on ESA's YouTube channel.

Educational resources

Teach with Rosetta
A new dedicated website filled with information, classroom resources and student activities that link school sciences to the Rosetta mission.
Primary school level lessons
Rosetta lessons for primary school level are available here.
Secondary school level lessons
Rosetta lessons for secondary school level are available here.
Paxi - Rosetta and comets
Follow Paxi to the edge of the Solar System to discover the world of comets and learn about the Rosetta mission. Watch the video in ESA's gallery.

Paper model and wallpaper

A paper model of the Rosetta and Philae cartoon figures is available for download here (PDF).
Three sets of wallpapers featuring the Rosetta and Philae cartoon characters are available for download here (single zip).


Rosetta mission poster - Living with a comet
The mission poster can be downloaded in JPG format.

Rosetta mission poster - Rendezvous with a comet
The mission poster can be downloaded in JPG format. 

Rosetta mission poster - Rendezvous with a comet
The mission poster can be downloaded in JPG format.

Rosetta mission information panels
A set of nine panels and one backdrop give an overview of the Rosetta mission.
They each are available as a print-ready PDF that can be downloaded at the links below.

Panel 1. Rendezvous with a comet
Panel 2. Comets and how the Solar System formed
Panel 3. From launch to encounter
Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3
Panel 4. Main Rosetta milestones
Panel 5. The Rosetta orbiter
Panel 6. The Philae lander
Panel 4   Panel 5   Panel 6
Panel 7. Rendezvous with a fast-moving comet
Panel 8. Key technologies and challenge
Panel 9. Europe in the Solar System
Panel 7   Panel 8   Panel 9
Backdrop (400×200 cm):
Rosetta - Rendezvous with a comet. A key to the origins of the Solar System

Rosetta Art Tribute

A repository of artistic tributes to Rosetta, Philae & Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko created by artists across the world: Music, Paintings, Sculptures, Poems, Installations, Performances, and more. Access the Tumbler page.

The Rosetta Legacy

A legacy collection, to celebrate the Rosetta mission and how it has captured the public imagination. You are invited to share personal experiences and feelings about how the mission has influenced you. Access the Tumbler page.
Impressions of Rosetta's legacy
This e-book (pdf, 33 MB) is a collection of public contributions to celebrate the impact of the Rosetta mission (2004-2016). The contributions were shared on the Rosetta Legacy tumblr in September–October 2016.

Comet 67P shape model

3D shape models of Rosetta's comet can be explored in interactive viewers and the models are also available for download in different file formats. Details are here.

Rosetta - Astro Drone application

Convert your home drone into Rosetta with ESA's "Astro Drone" app.
Play the game and help teach robots how to navigate in their environment.
More details and links to download the free app are at the project's website.

Social media: Rosetta blog, facebook and twitter

Follow ESA's mission to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the Rosetta blog, on Facebook, or via our dedicated Twitter account (@ESA_Rosetta).
Download social media profile and cover images, featuring the Rosetta and Philae cartoon characters - Set 1 (zip)
Download social media profile and cover images, featuring the Rosetta and Philae cartoon characters - Set 2 (zip)

Comet Hunters - A video series on Euronews

Episode 1: Comet Hunters: 'First visit to the control centre'
Episode 2: Comet Hunters: 'Intense mission planning'
Episode 3: Comet Hunters: 'Let's do some science'
Episode 4: Comet Hunters: 'This is the key moment'
Episode 5: Comet Hunters: 'Approaching the target'
Episode 6: Comet Hunters: 'Replica Rosetta to test commands'
Episode 7Comet Hunters: 'Rosetta's race to map 67P'
Episode 8Comet Hunters: 'The landing is a huge event'
Episode 9: Comet Hunters: 'When the baby goes, don't shake too much'
Episode 10: Comet Hunters: 'Philae's adventure'
Episode 11: Comet Hunters: 'A year-long odyssey with Rosetta and Philae'


Image & Video archive

The Science and Technology web site hosts a large archive of images which have been provided by, or on behalf of, the Rosetta project and collaborators. Our search interface allows you to search this extensive archive by keyword, media type, date and mission. Below are listed a number of quick links which will retrieve from the archive the media that matches the preset queries. Personalised queries can be performed using the Image and Video Archive search interface at

Preset queries:

All media types: Query by type of media
All Rosetta images All Rosetta videos


Images: Specific topic queries for Rosetta

Spacecraft >
artist's impressions

Spacecraft >
photographs >
launch campaign(s)

Spacecraft >
photographs >
construction and testing

Payload >

Asteroid (2867) Steins

Asteroid (21) Lutetia

Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko >
navigation camera (NavCam) images


"Wake Up, Rosetta!" campaign videos

#WakeUpRosetta  -  Wake up!
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
#WakeUpRosetta  -  Once upon a time ...
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
#WakeUpRosetta  -  What do YOU do at 10am?
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.
#WakeUpRosetta  -  Save the date
Watch the video on ESA's YouTube channel.

Rosetta, are we there yet? - Photo contest

The "Rosetta, are we there yet?" competition was a photo contest to support the last leg of the epic voyage to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. It ran from 9 July to 21 August 2014.

The details of the winning entries are announced here.


Last Update: 6 September 2019
12-Mar-2025 04:27 UT

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