COSIMA COSISCOPE image of the first target

Date: 11 August 2014
Satellite: Rosetta
Depicts: COSIMA's first target for dust collection
Copyright: See below
The COSIMA (Cometary Secondary Ion Mass Analyser) instrument is a secondary ion mass spectrometer equipped with a dust collector, a primary ion gun, and an optical microscope (called COSISCOPE) for target characterization.
This COSISCOPE image of COSIMA's first target for dust collection was taken on 19 July 2014 (before the exposure, on 10 August 2014, for cometary dust collection). The 1×1 cm target consists of a gold plate covered with a thin layer (30 µm) of gold nanoparticles ("gold black"). Illumination is by two LEDs, from the right side in this case. The bright dots on the vertical strip on the right side are used for target identification and for defining the coordinate system.