Collapsing cliffs

Date: 21 January 2015
Satellite: Rosetta
Depicts: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Copyright: See below
In this OSIRIS narrow-angle camera image the boundary between the Ash and Seth regions is highlighted. The left-hand image shows evidence of collapse along the boundary, with debris at the base of a cliff (labelled A and B). Fracturing to produce crevices (C) is also observed with 'deflation' of the surface (D and E) appearing as a possible precursor to fracture or collapse. Surface deflation is also indicated in the right-hand image (G), above a fractured cliff face (F). The image also highlights the contrast between the dust covered horizontal slope and the 'clean' vertical face.
The left image was taken on 7 August 2014, the right image on 2 September 2014.