Summer outburst sources

Date: 23 September 2016
Satellite: Rosetta
Depicts: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
Copyright: See below
Locations of the summer outbursts observed by Rosetta's OSIRIS (blue dots) and NavCam (red dots) between July and September 2015, superimposed on a regional map of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Insets highlight the topography and terrain for a selection of outbursts (note that some locations can be seen in multiple insets from different angles).
Many outbursts occur at distinct boundaries, for example along terraced landforms between Anuket and Sobek (top centre); in pits and niches in Maftet and Wosret (top right); and along the boundary between Anhur and Aker (bottom right and left). Anhur in particular is weakly consolidated and shows a variety of niches, alcoves, boulders and debris indicating this region is susceptible to mass-wasting and cliff collapse, leading to exposure of volatile-rich materials that trigger outbursts.
Clockwise, the images were taken by the OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on 1 May 2016 from a distance of 18 km; 27 January 2016 from 76 km; 2 May 2016 from 18 km; and 23 January 2016 from 76 km, respectively.
The numbers correspond to the outburst events seen in this compilation.