1st Convention of Lunar Explorers
7 February 2001
The 1st Convention of Lunar Explorers, organised by LUNEX , ILEWG and ESA, will be held Palais de la Decouverte, Paris, on 8-10 March 2001. ESA's SMART-1 mission to the Moon will be presented to the public and the press. The Lunar Explorers Society (LUNEX ) is an international organisation created in July 2000, which aims to promote the exploration of the Moon for the benefit of humanity. LUNEX wants to bridge the gap between space agencies and the general public to promote planetary exploration and space. The 1st Convention will allow the discussion of the science of the Moon, technology, future utilisation of the Moon, lunar bases, public outreach and education, lunar and planetary exploration, and the recommendations of Young Lunar Explorers.For more information please visit the LUNEX website (linked from right-hand side), where a copy of the Announcement and Call for Abstracts for the Convention can be found (See also "Call for abstracts for the LUNEX convention"). There will be special grants for Young Lunar Explorers aged less than 35 years old (See also "Young Lunar Explorers special grants")
The abstracts and grant requests should be submitted before 2 February to discussionlunarexplorers.com and to dheather
Dr. Bernard H. Foing
ESA SMART-1 Project Scientist
Chairman, Lunar Explorers Society
Tel: +31 71 565 5647
Last Update: 1 September 2019