Industry on the Moon
Copyright: Pat Rawlings/SAIC/NASA JSC -- Mark Dowman en Mike Stovall/Eagle Engineering, Inc./NASA JSC -- Clementine/BMDO/NSSDC -- LunaCorp/Robotics Institute
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According to the International Lunar Society LUNEX there will be industry on the Moon in the near future
Large solar panels convert sunlight into electrical energy and from the soil valuable raw materials are extracted.
The technician in the foreground is well protected by a stiff suit with movable joints.
Courtesy illustration: Pat Rawlings/SAIC/NASA JSC -- Mark Dowman en Mike Stovall/Eagle Engineering, Inc./NASA JSC --
Clementine/BMDO/NSSDC -- LunaCorp/Robotics Institute
Last Update: 1 September 2019